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Weekly Update - 11/7

Black Six



Hey, we're on time this week, imagine that! So let's see what we have.



The biggest news I think is that BZPower, in conjunction with Binkmeister and Bionicle.com, is allowing you to ask the set designers questions. This is a pretty big opportunity and a big thanks go out to Kelly for organizing it. You can ask your questions here.


In a departure from the past few weeks, there will NOT be a set review this weekend. I know, it's sad. Hopefully before the end of the year we'll be able to get the couple special edition sets reviewed, but no guarantees.


Some progress has been made on the ranks! A bunch of them are in the system and the new post count limits are being worked out. Hopefully more will be done with this over the weekend.


So back from the 10/24 update, BZP 101. I'm still thinking about doing this, but I just need to find the time. I think you guys would rather have new ranks than a new feature in my boring blog. :P



=Jeth CalarkExactly who is in your personal pic?

Me, as rendered by Schizo Kaita.


1.) What do you think about the upcoming game Mirror's Edge?


2.) Who is the biggest influence in your life and why?


3.) Do you like dragons?

1. I haven't been following it too closely, there have been a lot of other games that have captured my attention.

2. Oh sure, make it an easy one. I guess it depends on what part of me they've influenced. My dad has influenced me most with my career choice, teaching me how to use computers when I was young. My friends all influence my personal tastes, such as music and movies and literature. One could even say BZPower members influence me as an organizer and leader. So, lots and lots of people.

3. Dragons rock.


1. Do you like the Lord of the Rings series?

2. Do you like the prequel Star Wars trilogy?

3. Do you like Bionicle? :lol:

1. Yes, but the books are far superior to the movies and are the reason they're not on the top of my list of favorites.

2. They're ok, but there's a lot of other movies that I like better.

3. If I didn't would I still be here?


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this week. As always be sure to leave feedback and ask questions.


Recommended Comments

So back from the 10/24 update, BZP 101. I'm still thinking about doing this, but I just need to find the time. I think you guys would rather have new ranks than a new feature in my boring blog.

Boring? This blog is awesome.


101 will add to it's awesome points.

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1. I haven't been following it too closely, there have been a lot of other games that have captured my attention.

2. Oh sure, make it an easy one. I guess it depends on what part of me they've influenced. My dad has influenced me most with my career choice, teaching me how to use computers when I was young. My friends all influence my personal tastes, such as music and movies and literature. One could even say BZPower members influence me as an organizer and leader. So, lots and lots of people.

3. Dragons rock.

1.) The demo has been up for download for a while now. I'd suggest giving it a try some time. :D


2.) That's good to hear. ^_^


3.) Couldn't agree more.

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