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Mata Nui Elections 08: Votings





My Bionicle political comedy has been updated, and now comes the exciting part. You read what the canidates have to say... now you can vote for them.


Here's a quick overview of the canidates.


Tahu: Removal of all things Ko-Matoran

Kopaka: Removal of all things Ta-Matoran

Gali: Education above all else (even sanity)

Lewa: Always answers positively

Pohatu: He rocks

Onua: Dude, man, like, wow...


Since I know many of you have a fobia of the Comedy forum, I have opened this blog entry for voting. I now bring you Hafu, who will explan the process.


Hafu: To vote, simply post, saying who you would like to see as our next Ultimate Toa Leader of Mata-Nui. Please only vote for one candidate. Nuparu’s voting machines will be standing by incase you vote for somebody stupid.


Tamaru: Heh heh, I vote for Makuta Bitil.


Voting Machine: Stupid Vote! *Vaporizes Matoran*


Nuparu: Oh shoot, it was supposed to be set on stun.


Hafu: If you’d like, you can also use one of the following images to promote your choice.









Hafu: Voting will be opened as long as it needs to be. Please vote today, either here or in the Comedy topic




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