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On Epithets



I'm reading The Odyssey for English class, and man oh man I will never disrespect Hermes ever again. Those Disney guys had some serious guts making him a tiny blue guy with little round sunglasses in the (grossly inaccurate in just about every way) Disney movie Hercules. The wrath of the giant-killer Hermes shall be upon them, if it is not already.


That's right. At least half the times they mention Hermes, they add the title "giant-killer". "Hermes, the giant-killer" - "The giant-killer Hermes" - they never tell you exactly what giants he killed, so I must assume that it was, eventually, all of them.


Yeah, you heard me. You have Hermes, Greek god of messengers, to thank for the current giant-less state of the world. Whenever you go around the corner to drop off a letter in the mailbox, it's Hermes that made it possible for you to not be stepped on and/or eaten by a giant on the way.


You just don't want to befriend with this guy.


EDIT: Darn word filter! *shakes fist* :P


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That's nice.:) Maybe I'll give it a pass......when I'm high school.


Just how long is it, in terms of pages? (I assume that you are reading a book or a printed copy).



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Hermes is called giant-killer because he was in part responsible for the death of Typhon, the almighty monster who totally schooled Zeus and fathered some of the Greek pantheon's most familiar monsters (the Chimaera, the Hydra, Cerberus...)


I take it you haven't yet been shown the movie in which he flys around in a pair of golden hotpants leaving a trail of golden dust behind him like Tinkerbell?

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Is he killing giants while he's doing that? :unsure:

No, he's being a camp charicature of himself (Quoted line "I can look but I can't touch"). No giants were killed in the making of the Odyssey. A couple were harmed though (I'm looking at you Polyphemus!)

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