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Surprise, Surprise.



I have a buttload of homework tonight.


I should be spending time working on this homework.


So what am I doing instead? Surfing the interwebs and IMing.





I can has motivation issues.


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Just know you're not alone. :mellow:




Truth be in these words.

And these.


Here is my homework.


Here is also my computer.



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If my guitar fails to keep me occupied(which it barely ever does), I have my Wii.


If my Wii fails(which it barely ever does), I go to my computer.


If that fails(Which it does occasionally only for power and Windows stupidity-related reasons), I go back to my guitar, which usually has it's entertainment value back by now.


If All of those fail I just remember I don't have homework and get on with life.


Homeschool FTW. =3

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Hey, know that somewhere in the world, there is a kid sitting, typing on his computer well twenty pages of homwork sits on on his desk, saying that if you don't get me done, then the teacher is going have your teeth..


That's me. You're not alone.

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Hey, know that somewhere in the world, there is a kid sitting, typing on his computer well twenty pages of homwork sits on on his desk, saying that if you don't get me done, then the teacher is going have your teeth..


That's me. You're not alone.


Yep. i'm the kid with 30.

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