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Debate Comment And Voting

Jedi Gali


I'd first like to say that I'm immensely pleased with this first debate. Both of you did a great job, and I must say, I was pretty impressed.


Now, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. Nothing too negative or derogatory, please. And, you may vote, indicating who you think won.


Again, if you'd like to participate, PM me. Have a great topic? . . . PM me. ;)


:kaukau: -JG




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Great job on the debate, guys. I very much enjoy watching and I believe you both did a very good job at supporting your beliefs on the best year of BIONICLE.


Unfortunately I feel that I am too biased by my liking of 2008 to make a decision on who won the debate, so I won't be voting. If I had to make a vote though, I would say it seem pretty much close to a tie to me.


I personally can't waited to see more of these debates, so please do keep it up. I would say that I would like to maybe participate in a debate, but I can't imagine myself doing as good of a job as the debaters of this debate. I do have some ideas for some debates though, so I may PM you them, if I think they would be good enough to debate about.





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GregF won the debate hands down with his eyes closed. It wasn't even close. Seriously if a guy can write a storyline well enough to get some random teenagers engaged in heated discussion, then that must be an amazingly well written story.


I don't think I should vote though but if I did I would say Sorek won. He had me tongue tied at times and I missed several easy attacks.

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GregF won the debate hands down with his eyes closed. It wasn't even close. Seriously if a guy can write a storyline well enough to get some random teenagers engaged in heated discussion, then that must be an amazingly well written story.


I don't think I should vote though but if I did I would say Sorek won. He had me tongue tied at times and I missed several easy attacks.


I agree with Exo, GregF won. :D


Actually, if I could vote, I would vote for Exo. A large part of my argument fell apart pretty near to the beginning.



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Hmmm...It was pretty close, but in the end, I'd have to say that that last question was what decided it. As much as I'm a fan of 01 over 08 (although I love the story all the way through), I would say that Exo's talk about recreating massive battle scenes managed to pull ahead of Sorek's about the masks and gears. Barely. And this is coming from someone who thinks that the masks/gears were one of the things that made Bionicle special.


All in all, Exo won by a hair, IMHO.



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Well, Exo had good facts and oppions, but Serok summed things up well.


Really, I can't tell, as both did very well. So my coin says Exo.


Therfore, Exo gets my vote.

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Even though story-wise I hold 2001 in my heart, I had to agree with Exo - in 2008 we recieved more variety in sets, more articulation, and thus more playing potential.


So my vote goes to Exo. But good job, Sorek. ^^

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Hands down my vote is in favor with Exo :). He sure did bring up alot of good points that steered me in the direction of 2008 being my favorite year of BIONICLE, plus he is a very compelling and fluent guy to begin with. Sorek was a great opponent, but ultimately Exo should be the winner here.



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First of all, how do the debators get chosen? JG just picks them randomly?

Secondly, the debate was ver interesting to watch. Both debators had good points, and I honestly can't say which one won me over.

So I vote for 2004. :P

I really can't decide, so I won't vote.


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First of all, how do the debators get chosen? JG just picks them randomly?


Well basically, I just ask for people to PM me or somehow inform me that they wish to debate. I then choose two people and pit them against each other. :P And of course, if I have a friend I think may want to, I just may ask him/her to debate, which was the case in the first one. :D


If you're interested, feel free to PM me. ;)


:kaukau: -JG

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