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Holy something-I-can't-say-here, that's somewhat disturbing...how do they make those from scratch anyway? The bee's and the honeycomb that is.

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how do they make those from scratch anyway?

They barf wax.


I used to watch hornets do the same every summer, but they make paper versions.


Too bad this dude used poison. There is nothing more yummy than fresh honey. You just chew it until it's a ball of wax you spit out.

Good stuff, and possibly good for allergies, if the honeycomb is from bees in your area.

(They build up antibodies to pollen in the area, which pass on to you).

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In that forth picture, I thought the dark spot on the floor was smoke residue from the poison or whatever... then it's like :bigeek: . I've had my share of excitement with yellow jackets... I wouldn't want to be around that many insects with motivation to sting you.



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I had a bee sit on my shoulder for twenty minutes. The teacher wouldn't do anything about it... and that was when I was six...


Oh weeelll.

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Lol. Well, they work pretty fast. The dude probably went to vacation in Tahiti for a week and a half and came back to it.

It might be giant but it doesn't mean it took too long. And with that many bees workin' it... dang.

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I don't know if I'd have had the heart to genocide a honeybee colony, just like that -- especially with CCD (colony collapse disorder) already killing them off like, krhm, flies. . . . Pretty gruesome. XP *shivers up the spine*


<o> <o>

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post Nov 14 2008, 12:59 PM


I don't know if I'd have had the heart to genocide a honeybee colony, just like that -- especially with CCD (colony collapse disorder) already killing them off


Same here. I mean, if I knew there was a whole freaking hive there, I'd have worked MY life around them.

I guess this dude (well, not many people) think to do that though.

The primal fear of getting stung just kicks in...

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Great Googly-Moogly indeed.


I can't stand bees, wasps, or an of the yellow-black stinging monstrosities. I think I actually have a mid-level phobia. And it doesn't help that my parents always wanted to eat outside this summer. "It's nice out, why don't we eat outside?"


And we'd usually have meat, which wasps seem to be attracted to.


Still, at least those weren't the Japanese Giant Hornets. Three inches long, and they spray FLESH-MELTING ACID! Nature just likes to screw with us.

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