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About Tempus

  • Birthday 07/21/1992

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    A padded room...Can someone let me out? Please
  • Interests
    Writing, Bionicle, Drawing, Reading, Mythology, Latin (The language), and Fencing.

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Tohunga (4/293)

  1. Man, I kinda wish my school did that version of AP Latin instead of Vergil. Why? Vergil has a habit of ignoring the rules of the language when it suits him. Then again, I doubt that my favorite Catullus Poem would have been part of the curriculum. (Poem 16 FTW)
  2. Tempus

    Lazy Gun

    the song is by Jet. Unless they did a cover. still, that's the version I've heard.
  3. Well, that would depend on the color of the elephant, wouldn't it? Also, that note reminds me of something I saw once. It was a pin that you could clip on your shirt, with a quote from one of Shakespeare's comedies, "The Winter's Tale". "Exit stage left, pursued by a bear." Why can't they use that one in English class?
  4. I'd suggest using "It's A Small World After All", but that's probably a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
  5. Great Googly-Moogly indeed. I can't stand bees, wasps, or an of the yellow-black stinging monstrosities. I think I actually have a mid-level phobia. And it doesn't help that my parents always wanted to eat outside this summer. "It's nice out, why don't we eat outside?" And we'd usually have meat, which wasps seem to be attracted to. Still, at least those weren't the Japanese Giant Hornets. Three inches long, and they spray FLESH-MELTING ACID! Nature just likes to screw with us.
  6. Tempus


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Tan...YES! WE HAVE AN ACUTAL STONE-RELATED COLOR AGAIN! Sorry, Hewkii, gemstones don't count, otherwise the yellow would be OK. 2009's sets are made, not of plastic, but of WIN. Win that has been melted down and made to look like lego pieces, but still win.
  7. Tempus

    I Want A Tattoo

    That would be an awesome tattoo. If I ever got one, then I'd go with one of the Salvador Dali melting clocks. That way, when I got older, the clock would just get more melty. Lateralus is an awesome album, but I've checked, and it's not an actual Latin word.
  8. Weird, my AP Latin class only has 4 people too. Is that including the oft mentioned Dr. Jones, because if that's the case, then I have V I don't know any scandalous Greek words, but I have a book full of Latin phrases, including every possible grammatical form of... Y'know what, I'm not even going to use a euphemism here. Not only am I throughly biased against them, thanks to reading all three of George Carlin's books and listening to several of his albums, but I can't think of one that doesn't have a possibility of getting me in trouble. There are some appropriate ones, such as; Parentes mei dimidium Europae despolia verunt. Ego tamen nil accepi praeter hanc tuniculam misellam.
  9. Catullus and Horace...eh, I got Vergil. And may I say...By the beard of Zeus, the Aeneid is hard to translate. especially when you have to do it completely literally. You lucked out with the whole drawing thing. My school's so big, that there was no way for me to take the art classes I wanted. (Painting 1 first semester, Painting 2 second semester.) And by big, I mean about 4,000 students big. My school is bigger than some colleges. What's it like learning Greek, by the way? There's a college I found that offers greek, and its one I really would like to go to. Wait a sec, you have nine periods? What time do you start school in the mornings, and how long is each one? Then again, the seven minute passing periods needed to get from one end of school to the other might explain why I only have 8.
  10. Tempus

    Bye Guys

    DVDs... From my collection, I'd have to take Dr. Who, series 1-3, Pulp Fiction, The Shining, The Wall, The Song Remains The Same, Batman Begins, Snakes on a Plane, My George Carlin DVDs, all of Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse movies, Life of Brian, Holy Grail, Princess Bride, Pick of Destiny...and thats about it. But that's just me. Have fun at college.
  11. Tempus

    Grammar Check

    Palmer Eldritch...Oh, right! Philip K. Dick FTW! Yeah, my spellcheck does stuff like that too. Its the most annoying when I'm writing dialogue, since people don't always have perfect grammar when they speak.
  12. Tempus

    Must See Images!

    I'm pretty sure I drove past that Star Wars store when i was on vacation up in Portland and Seattle. In fact, I know I did. ...Small world. I cannot believe that place had one of the original Millenium Falcon sets. I wanted to go in there, but nooo, m parents didn't want to stop. And the Minifig pack And is it just me, or does one of the Rubber band guns, the one at the top of the first picture, look vaguely Halo-ish? As a slightly random side note, if I didn't have such horrendous allergies, then I'd totally live up in Portland.
  13. Tempus

    Who Could It Be?

    Sounds like Takadox, in my opinion.
  14. Tempus


    Yeah, that's where easter comes from. Christianity used a lot of pre-existing pagan holidays for theirs. Also, the Easter Bunny comes for an old germanic (I think) folktale about a rabbit that flies and lays eggs. that explains everything.
  15. Wha?...The dude in the third picture looks like Dave Mathews. Is that him, or am I just kinda crazy?
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