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Star Trek Would Own Star Wars, Any Day.



Yep. Enterprise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Death Star


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I basically grew up with Star Trek. :P


Although I never watched DS9..

DS9 is the best... none of the others really clicked with me. Too fake.


Well, all of them are really fake, but DS9 was the least...



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DS9?!? It was a freaking soap opera!


Star Trek: Brought space shows into a more structured light, but was riddled with plot complications.

Star Trek - Next Generation: Lots of potential, acquired some of it. But eventually got cheesy with 9 million episodes about diseases or holodeck problems.

Star Trek - DS9: Soap opera with silly junk going on all over.

Star Trek - Voyager: Lots of potential, did ok but then started looking cheesy. I mean come on, Seven of Nine's sleep station had stuff you make from a stop at Spencer's Gifts (no joke)! Then all these... KIDS were running around on the ship to get the soccer moms watching. By the end, it was a train wreck. How many times did time travel save their but now? Don't even get me started on the silly Chakotay indian woo woo junk. Or THIS show's mess of holodeck episodes.

Star Trek - Enterprise: I think I watched the first episode. After kicking myself for wasting an hour, I was off watching anything Star trek.


But yeah, DS9 was like CRAZY bad, even by ST standards.

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<_< Any of these sound familiar?


Original Series

Next Generation



Deep Space Nine


then a series of movies...

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There's no cyborg doctor in any of the series, as far as I know... :mellow:


Voyager's was a hologram. :P



Enterprise is like, my favourite Star Trek.

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Enterprise made so many mistakes, storyline-wise. That was mainly why it was bad. ;) But I think he means 7 of 9 from voyager, as she was the doctor's assistant. ;)



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