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Takua the Wanderer


Let's say you have two teleportation machiney thingies. Whatever you put into one of them comes out of the other one. What happens if you put one into the other?


Probably not a new paradox, though. :P


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There are two answers: A, it comes out of itself. B, since the point of exit is blocked, it will be converted into energy, since it cannot manifest as mass. Or something like that. In essence, it never comes back.



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What if the teleporters are fixed to the ground. :o


Actually, I think it'll come out of itself, but since it's in the first teleporter, it'll go back to itself again, and just cycle around in perminant teleportation, never to actually reach any destination ever again.


Now say you throw somebody you don't like into the first teleporter...



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If it goes back to itself, wouldn't it come out of the first teleporter? :blink:


:dazed: :dazed: Although it seems certain that the second teleporter is permanently lost...


Hey, I like that idea. Where's Adventurer? :sly:

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And concerning B, how's it blocked? :blink:



Because it is currently being teleported and thus there is no way for it to be used.


And now my brother is saying you'd clone it. :P



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Hmm... I suppose that makes sense... :dazed: I thought of that too, but it's still really weird. And where'd the clone copies be? :P


*throws you in the teleporter, too, then tweaks it a little so you're like Takanuva traveling thorugh a buncha timestreams*

*Comes out of nowhere with a Midak Skyblaster and a Power Lance*


It rips a hole into the spacetime continum.
Cool! ^_^
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