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Tufi Piyufi


Because I missed tons and tons of things last time. And I know I'm still going to be missing tons of points after I get this up. What can I say, though? There's just that many things out there that deserve a mention.



'You just revived this topic!'


This is still in the category of 'things that belong solely in a report', but it gets special mention because... well... it needs it. I can understand if you're posting a normal reply/review in a revived topic; if all you see is the latest, reviving post, you can at least claim ignorance. It would have been best if you had checked the other posts before posting, but then again, you don't usually have to worry about that sort of thing, since so many other topics are current. You obviously can't claim the same when you're posting to say a topic's been revived. It's the exact same thing with telling people their post is spam: just report the post in question and leave it to us to deal with. It's our job. All you do when you post to declare a topic's been revived is add to the revival.


'What a newb/noob/etc.'


I'm going to let you in on a little something here. In all my time in BBC and Artwork and GD and the forums in general, I've seen a lot of spam, flame and other nonsense. Tons. Now, the secret little thing here is... I've seen members of all manner of year-spinny do this. Spread out fairly evenly through the generations, too. That's right: spam is not the sole domain of the newcomer. You didn't hear it from me, though.


And I realize this is more an Internet-wide thing than anything else, but that doesn't change the fact it's still annoying. You don't need to put each other down by calling other people 'newbs' or whatever spelling people use these days. Being new to a forum doesn't mean you were born yesterday. And, in particular...


Faux 'newb-speak' really isn't that funny.


There's other ways to make your point than coming up with a fake quote that looks like someone had a seizure over their keyboard. Another secret? I've seen (and deleted) tons and tons of spam that is grammatically fine. It's just, you know, completely devoid in the area of actually adding something worthwhile to the topic. Likewise, there's posts out there that are certainly not spam, but maybe aren't spelled or punctuated so well. Yes, people should always try to use their best English when writing things on the Internet, but you don't have to claim someone's post is illegible if they misspell a word or two. If you've tried, but you still can't puzzle it out, politely ask them to make themselves clearer. Don't attack them for it. I assure you, just because you don't know what they're saying doesn't mean they won't know what you're saying.


And that's about it for now. I'm really ranting all too much. Oh well.


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There's other ways to make your point than coming up with a fake quote that looks like someone had a seizure over their keyboard.




You deserve some special prize or something.

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Not yet, you're not ranting: there are still have things to cover. *Opens trunk of laundry lists of things that are bad but worth ranting about* Besides, you're not ranting until you start acting out what you hate (or attacking people for what they do). :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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It's like my sig... In blog form...


So yeah, I can't wait for next week's installment of "Things you should report/not post"

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