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Can The Zealot Draw? =o

Boogie Monsta


Well, that's up to you. It's definitely not great, but I think for the first time in years it's ok. Later I'll take a picture of Hahli's actual pose (my camera's out of batteries atm..) so you can judge better.


Comments? Criticism?

Don't you dare look and leave, even if you're inexperienced you may see something that needs improvement..


Everything has been said before,

There's nothing left to say any more,

When it's all the same you can ask for it by name.


Recommended Comments

Wow, for the first time in years this is awesome! =D


You draw very detailed and set-like, that's good. Simply love the legs. ^.^


The mask is pretty hard to draw, therefore you did a good job. it's interesting that you chose a rather hard set for the beginning - if I remember right, my first Bionicle ever drawn was my beloved Nuhvok-kal... ah well, back on-topic: the mask is a little off.


Since you've drawn with a lot of detail, the torso stands out - for the lack of it. It'S not easy to draw set-like, but you could at least add some pattern so that it doesn't look that empty.


Overall it's a very nice beginning, I like the way you draw, and I'd really love to see more art from you! =D

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Pretty cool. I can see a few things that need work, though. :)


First is the mask. It could be smoothed out a bit. It looks sharp and edgy with too many unnecessary lines. Although you got it down quite a bit. I also really like how realistic you made it - I'm not very good at that. :P


I also saw more unwanted lines around the picture, like the hands. Go back and smooth those out, try erasing the lines sticking out. Try showing more of her parts, it looks even better the more of the set you draw.


Otherwise, good work. Take my advice, go make it look more rounded, maybe color it a bit, and this will look good!

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It's Haaaaahliii Maaaahriiii!


That's a unique pose. Because of the way she's leaning forward, and how her wings are drooping, she almost looks depressed. Maybe she lost her pet squid. D=


Very nice job on the detailing. That must have taken quite awhile.


Something you could experiment with is eyes. (Are eyes? Is eyes? Are eyes? *Muse.*) Eyes can express a lot of emotion and personality, and plus, they're fun to draw. It's especially fun to make them all big and shiny. ^^


This is really good, especially considering you haven't drawn in years. Keep drawing! Or else! :P




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