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2009 Looms



After being without my main computer for a week so it could have Vista inflicted on it, I'm finally starting to catch up. But it's taking 12-hour days...


Anyway, I'm starting to see the results of my labors come together. I just saw the design for the new BIONICLE.com, and it's actually my favorite design from the last 8 years of BIONICLE. It's extremely cool. I'll be putting content into the site hopefully next week, or the week after. It will launch in early January.


I'm also starting to get glimpses into the 2009 online game. You will not believe your eyes. Truly. The game will launch in February, and will be well worth the wait. But there will be other things for you to do in the meantime. :)


Everything's coming together and it's very high quality. I'm hoping you will all be less disappointed than usual. I'm very happy about how things are going.


UPDATE: Yesterday I received a pre-Alpha build of the game to present at some meetings. It's by no means complete, but what is there is AMAZING. Everyone within LEGO who's seen this is very excited about it. It's a completely new technology, something that's never been done on LEGO.com before, and there's actually a lot of pressure to make it right. If this works, I think we can expect to see more LEGO games (not just BIONICLE) done this way in the future. It will be a quantum leap from games we've done in the past.


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Ah, 2009: Bionicle is reborn. New universe, new cool story, and new cool web. Can't wait to see everything infested woth those sox new warriors!


A word to define 2009: awesome.


BTW Bink, you told someone that next year there would be a videogame. Did you mean web-game, or console-game?



I'm hoping you will all be less disappointed than usual.


I've never been disappointed about the web except... Uh... Never.

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I'm hoping you will all be less disappointed than usual.


With the way 2009 looks to be, I don't think I could possibly be disappointed.

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BTW Bink, you told someone that next year there would be a videogame. Did you mean web-game, or console-game?

Good question. Interestingly, I don't currently have an answer for that.


Will said online game be more RPG-based like with the MNOLGs and VNOLG or are we looking at more "arcade style" games?

Neither. Very neither.

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Sounds awesome. Is this new online game a fighting game? Glatorians just shout fighting game to me.


I can;t wait to see some of this new stuff. Any news on a console game?





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That sounds pretty interesting...


Hey Bink, when are you going to take all the stuff off of LEGO's servers, 'cuz I'm making a compendium of all the stuff that's on the websites ATM, and I wanna know how much longer I've got until it all goes kaput :).

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I'm betting that the game will actually be released in March. That's what happens when they give us a date for a game launch. :P


Hopefully it'll all be worth the wait.



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I'm thinking either RPG or 3D fighter are the only options left to be different.. =D


You rock, Bink. =D

A fighter seems like what we'll get. We do know what the Glatorian do after all.


I'm really looking forward to 2009

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WIl, that's an RPG game, and Bink has said it's not gonna be an RPG game.


I doubt I'll be disappointed. I haven't been with Bionicle.com all this time. I'm sure it'll be great!

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Will said online game be more RPG-based like with the MNOLGs and VNOLG or are we looking at more "arcade style" games?

Neither. Very neither.

Hmm... Then will the game be played in first-person point of view?

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WIl, that's an RPG game, and Bink has said it's not gonna be an RPG game.


I doubt I'll be disappointed. I haven't been with Bionicle.com all this time. I'm sure it'll be great!

I know it's an RPG - I just didn't know he'd already said it wouldn't be. XD

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BTW Bink, you told someone that next year there would be a videogame. Did you mean web-game, or console-game?

Good question. Interestingly, I don't currently have an answer for that.


Will said online game be more RPG-based like with the MNOLGs and VNOLG or are we looking at more "arcade style" games?

Neither. Very neither.

MMO, perhaps? :P

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BTW Bink, you told someone that next year there would be a videogame. Did you mean web-game, or console-game?

Good question. Interestingly, I don't currently have an answer for that.


Will said online game be more RPG-based like with the MNOLGs and VNOLG or are we looking at more "arcade style" games?

Neither. Very neither.

MMO, perhaps? :P

Or maybe a fighting game! It totally goes with the

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Well, its very exciting alright,


But here's my quote:


"Another year, another disapointment. Whether its in the site, storyline, sets, or even the Movie, there is always a disapointment."




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The game sounds exciting. But please say it will be similar to MNOLG 1 and 2 environment-wise! I really want to see more villages similar to Ga-Koro from MNOLGII or Le-Koro from MNOLGI!


:kaukau: Ussal Crab :kaukau:


PS: What does FTW stand for?

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