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Long Dark Twilight Of The Soul



Like me, you may have heard about the book series known as Twilight, hailed as the next Harry Potter by some, idolized by virtually every preteen girl and virtually no males, and used by some as a perfect warning against emotionally manipulative relationships, overly introspective writing, and pure and utter angst.


Unlike me, you do not live within relative spitting distance of Forks, Washington and so are not subjected to constant coverage of the Twilight "phenomenon" in the local news, nor to the hordes of ravening fangirls.




(Normally I'd be all for girls descending on my town and the surrounding area, but the sort of girls who read and like Twilight are exactly the sort I dislike. The girls who've read it and hated it, on the other hand, tend to be my friends. ^_^)

Are there seriously any guys out there who like Twilight?


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Its just another preteen romance series. It just happens to have vampires. [sarcasm]And its revolutionary because a vampire falls in love with a mortal.[/sarcasm]

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Its just another preteen romance series. It just happens to have vampires. [sarcasm]And its revolutionary because a vampire falls in love with a mortal.[/sarcasm]

Wait, since when does it have vampires?

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Its just another preteen romance series. It just happens to have vampires. [sarcasm]And its revolutionary because a vampire falls in love with a mortal.[/sarcasm]

Wait, since when does it have vampires?

Sorry. "Vampires".


Unfortunately like all my sister's friends from Texas are into it. >_>




And they're like old.







You're old.

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It's idolized by many males in my school.

And even more females.

I haven't read it. I don't plan to.

I don't want to see the movie either.

lol X-Clone.

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I mean being a vampire would be cool, but not that Edward guy. (I think that's his name...)

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One of my friends is seeing is tonight.

Keep in mind I'm in college.

Actually, a lot of my friends are seeing it this weekend.

Girls, don't worry, not boys.



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One of my friends is seeing is tonight.

Keep in mind I'm in college.

Actually, a lot of my friends are seeing it this weekend.

Girls, don't worry, not boys.



Wait, it's already out? I haven't seen a single advertisement for it.



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Wait, it's already out? I haven't seen a single advertisement for it.



Unfortunately it comes out tomorrow and there are midnight releases so all the girls will be screaming about it tomorrow in school. ><

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Which is why I'm glad I'm homeschooled/in a college with a lower portion of fangirls. But living so close to Forks cancels that out.


*cheers ~X-Clone~*

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It's pretty much a failure of a book, yeah. I'm pretty sure that the wussification of vampires happens to be a conspiracy by the eeeeeeeeevil vampires who rule the world and are also not wusses. That way, when they reveal themselves, no one will suspect a thing about the true danger!


I'm sure of it.

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One of my friends is seeing is tonight.

Keep in mind I'm in college.

Actually, a lot of my friends are seeing it this weekend.

Girls, don't worry, not boys.

I'm going to see it tonight at midnight.


With girls, of course.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Hmm, I liked the first book, but the rest were all like OMG SOAP OPERA >>

Plus, all the vampires are way too overrated. Werewolves ftw.


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When the concerned books are nearby, I hide.


When people in general are nearby, I hide.


When the concerned books are combined with people in general reading them, I hide twice.

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Meh. Can't really judge, seeing as I haven't read it.








And/or chess pieces and apples.




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