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New Prince

Lady Kopaka


Okay, Lady K is still dead, but she’s in a fangirlsm mood. :B


New Prince of Persia game coming out December 2nd.


Lady K has known about this for awhile, but she’s just recently been watching all the trailers.


The graphics/plot/beautiful art direction makes her very happy. (Usually Cel-Shade looks icky, but it’s actually very pretty in this game)


Not to mention the Prince’s voice is the same guy that did Desmond Miles in Assassin’s Creed.





If it won’t be out of the family Christmas budget, Lady K thinks she knows what she wants for Christmas now.


Squeeeee, alright, back to reality now. x3


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Lady K thinks the music is amazun. <3 She will continue her habit of collecting all POP music. (Last 3 were amazing... over 100 tracks... yummie)
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>_< I never played any PoP...yet it looked so amazing...

Then geeeett it. 0: You've never lived if you at least haven't tried to play it.


I dunno, the idea that you can never die makes me a little leery...

Wait, me or the prince? O_o

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Yeah I remember about that now. I had the same view (still kind of do until I play the game), but thinking about it and discussing it with my brother, it might be better. I mean, who made the law we gotta die in games? Also game developers said that it’s not like she can save you and then put you back at that last spot. Apparently if you fall from a cliff you have to be put back at the last stable area, or if she saves you from a monster the monster will gain health again (So it is kind of like you die, except you don’t get the “HAHA YOU LOST” in your face, nor does it break your gaming-chain).


To me this seems more realistic and like you’re really into the game, instead of dying a bunch and pulling you out. It’s like what would really happen if you’re trying to achieve that happy ending. In the past PoP I banged my head all the time against the keyboard because the dumb controller would not listen to my dumb commands and I lost all my dumb sand all the time. xD


So I'm kind of welcoming this; I always had fun exploring and this will be great so I can travel around without risking to die all the time.


Still, I think they're milking Elika's purpose a bit much. She seems better than Farah, but last time I checked we were playing the prince, not both. :P


*Ends long ramble*

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