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Combiner Model?

Toa Achilles (Tums)


Third highest-rated blog as of 9/21! I feel more asleep!


I wonder... what would happen if I tried to rig the Time Washer into the GSSG? That way I could go to the moon in the future, and see if it hasn't been inhabited. Then my action figures and I could rule the moon! (And my dog-of-the-future-to-be, Pickle.) Of course, the Toast King who rules over the moon wouldn't be happy. In fact, I'm not so happy I ever learned about the Toast King. I should be the king of toast! I'VE GOT IT!! I'll overthrow the Toast King, and rule over the moon and the toast!


With my action figures being my cabinet, of course. Or at least being kept in my cabinet which I build on the moon...


And maybe I can get evidence that Fhqwhgads live on the moon! (And space pollen!)




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No, you are the 2nd highest rated blog. Just under GregF. :P

Now if you just get your rating a little higher...You could become blog of the week! I mean, you would think the highest rated blog would get Blog of the week?


And then you could use GSSG/ Time Machine to see if you win blog of the week.

Eh, proven wrong.

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No, you are the 2nd highest rated blog. Just under GregF. :P

Now if you just get your rating a little higher...You could become blog of the week! I mean, you would think the highest rated blog would get Blog of the week?


And then you could use GSSG/ Time Machine to see if you win blog of the week.

Yes, thanks to someone one-star-rating my blog, I've been knocked down to 4.5 oblivion.

Thank you, whoever decided to torpedo my rating. :glare:


Word to the wise: High rating means nothing RE Blog of the Week.




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Yes, thanks to someone one-star-rating my blog, I've been knocked down to 4.5 oblivion.

Thank you, whoever decided to torpedo my rating. :glare:


Word to the wise: High rating means nothing RE Blog of the Week.


It doesn't? You'd think it would...



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It doesn't? You'd think it would...

If it did, I would have already been Blog of the Week with my previous 4.7 ranking.

However, Omi, with his perpetual 3.9-4.0, Exo with his low 4.something, and Turakii (now 4.3 ish) have all been blogs of the week.


Unless your username is GregF, a high blog rating seems to preclude your blog from consideration. It's just the way the random selection falls.




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Wow, don't you just hate it when people "torpedo" things. I do. I'll bet someone's running an underground group where they rate everything low so people lose self esteem, then harness negatrons from their brains and destroy the world...


Or something.



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