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Everybody Loves Teridax (his Name :p)



Deadline Extension! Enter by December 9th!


Okay, this "everybody hates 'Teridax'" myth is getting out of hand. Easy mistake to make, but it's just a myth.

The vast majority of BZPers like "Teridax". Only a relative handful of vocal complainers dislike it. Which is their right -- but let's keep it in perspective. That is, let's actually put it in perspective in the first place, since we have already taken "it" far outside perspective. :P

What's going on here is what happens on BZP anytime something new comes out. First, remember two rules of human (online at least) nature:

1) The displeased are always more vocal.

2) It's impossible to please everybody.

The very same happened with Teridax, with some unfortunate twists. Those few who were dissappointed with the name (which was inevitable, no matter what it was!) posted emphatically about it, and most of those who liked it didn't bother to post. People saw the negative posts and assumed most BZPers "hated" (or disliked) the name.

Not true.

Here's the history summed up for those who didn't watch this as it unfolded, or have forgotten, etc.:

Greg's Poll

Now that we know about the BoM and were going to have other Makuta featured as sets and be in the story, beginning in mid 2007, Greg faced the issue of whether "Makuta's" name should be revealed. He wasn't "unilateral" about it -- he graciously gave us BZPers the choice by posting a poll.

Please note -- we are a tiny fraction of the fanbase. He had to no obligation to give us such a privelege. I know he does this often, but that's no excuse for us to get spoiled. ;)

Now, here's Greg's poll. Results?

Of 2092 votes (that's a TON!), 88% said yes. Only 7% said no, and 5% said "Don't care." That's a clear, clear, support for the name being revealed, by FAR.

Now, to be fair, many of the posts clarified that it would depend on the name. So let's not read too much into that, per se. Still, we have to remember that:

1) Greg let us decide, and we overwhelmingly said "yes." Even for those who voted no, we should be thankful that he did this for us. :)

2) But some didn't want it, and some would inevitably not like the name, regardless of what they voted there.

Revelation and Actual Reaction

So, "Teridax" is the name. Posts about this were all over; I'm not going to compile a link to every single post about it, don't worry. :P What's more important is what polls said, since those are more objective.

Skipping ahead a little, here's the first objective poll about it, that I posted a few months after the name had been revealed.

Of 427 votes, nearly 40% said "yes" -- they clearly like the name. Almost the same amount, 36% said "It's okay"; the weak yes. That totals to a whopping 76% positive for "Teridax". In an election, that would considered a landslide. ;)

Only 9% said "No", 7% "Not much", and 8% "Unsure/middle."

Even if we treat the unsure vote as an implied negative, that totals only about 24% negative! Even the weak yes overwhelms that at 36%! And 40% "yes" just plain blasts this myth out of the proverbial... antidermis pool.

Warped Reaction

Yet, before this, the poll that claimed the "don't dupe this topic" spot had unfair options. You could only vote "Best name ever" (the "strong yes" option, which most fair polls don't even bother with in favor of a simple "yes"), "Meh", or the strong no ("Fail").

The results? Well, frankly, even here the myth is unfounded. Out of 840 votes, only about 19% (20 if you wanna round up against the rounding rule :P) said "Fail," compared to 32% voting "Best Name Ever." More voted strongly for it than voted strongly against it.

So at the very least, "hate" is a huge exaggeration. (And "hate" is unhealthy hype and melodrama anyways, just like how people carelessly call all debates "flame wars," even if they were the opposite of flame.)

Now, this was unfair because while it had a weak no, it lacked a weak yes. If you liked the name, but didn't think it was the best name ever, you either had to null, or flip a coin between "Best name ever" or "Meh." As would be expected, many people voted "Meh."

I nulled, personally. And if you read the posts, most of those who voted "meh" aren't saying they dislike it, per se, but that it's not extreme yes or extreme no. So "somewhere near the middle" is how most people voted.

And that, along with the few strong negative posts in random places out there, started this ugly myth. My poll later revealed that in reality, that "somewhere" near the middle was actually almost totally on the positive side.

Now, In All Fairness

Now, there are some things we do have to take into consideration.

1) My fair poll came late (due to the unfair poll claiming the spot). Perhaps by that time, the name had grown on many people.

2) The amount of people voting nearly halved from Greg's poll to the unfair one, then again from that poll to mine. Perhaps many people who disliked it simply didn't view the reaction polls, skewing the results. Unless the exact same members all voted, we couldn't be 100% sure. (Still, my experience has been that after about 30 votes, most poll results tend not to change much even when the numbers of votes go way up, so around 30 or so votes would be a fair cross-section.)

3) However, the above may have actually skewed the first poll (the unfair options one) towards the negative. If you follow the replies in there, and compare the names you see posting against "Teridax", they are mostly the same people who voted against it being revealed in Greg's original poll.

Many people vote in Greg's polls that do not appear to vote in normal members' polls. These may tend to be less active, but strongly enthusiastic fans of Bionicle who are loving how it's going right now. Just a theory, but if so, both reaction polls, including mine, may be unrealistically skewed towards the negative. A phenomenon that has also seemed to come up every time something new comes out, even in polls.

4) True, there was at least one other option -- Greg didn't have to reveal the name. But let's face it, "we" chose for him to do so. (Meaning, most of us, of course.)

5) Being curious, I have launched another poll on whether people would have liked some other options, mainly if his name hadn't been revealed, would people be okay with that? Something Greg's original poll technically didn't ask, not that it is all that important -- as I say, I was just curious.

As of posting this, there are 65 votes, and it is mostly too close to call, so I won't overanalyze. Pretty consistent from the first few votes to now, though, has been "undecided", and roughly equal amounts of yes and no; no clear resoundingly obvious answer. Except that a somewhat clear majority are on the negative side of T having a different name.

Fanbase Vs. BZP

Finally, let's not forget that the vast majority Bionicle fans out there:

1) Aren't on BZPower. We're talking millions, compared to only thousands here.

2) Are newer and don't have the strong emotional attachment to "Makuta" that many of us do.

3) Do tend, apparently, to often have quite different tastes from BZPers, often opposite to the vocal minority, sometimes even opposite to our majority (ex: brown set color always polls high here, yet is the least popular among most fans).

So this still isn't definitive. But clearly, the myth is WAY blown out of proportions. :)

Ulterior Motives

Alright, alright, I admit it. I just wanna know TSO's name. :P

*ahem* Anyways... Let's stop giving life to this myth, okay? It just "ain't so, Joe." ^_^

Deadline Extension! Enter by December 9th!


Recommended Comments

What I imagine would greatly apply here, stepping into the shoes of a hater of the name "Teridax," would be:


It Sucks.


Frankly, I couldn't care quite a bit less at all. :P I, with all due respect (and I truly do mean that), I think it's a topic that shouldn't quite be delved into as much as you did with this entry, though I can't stop you from writing your so infamous, incredibly, mind-bogglingly long entries. :P Though I can say your compilation of links is quite useful.


I just don't think this deserves much discussion, or debate. It would get annoying, but that may just be me. :P


Though, quite surely I can say that I like the name very much. It just oozes evil to my ears, and the thought of it can be so very frightening to one that it may seem real. It carries with it a scent of unbeatable fury that can't be devoured by even the largest being known alive. That's just my opinion, but of course, quite a few have others.


Now, what I can say as a final thought would be that I respect the opinions of all, and I don't wish to be commanding and change their ways. That is my way, and I intend to keep it that way, unchanged for as long as possible.



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So where'd you get the picture?

You see, there's this magical, magical place, where knowledge and imagery come together to form a coherent, interesting, and factual plethora of... knowledge and imagery... called BIONICLEsector01. Perhaps one day you will find it.


And is that Harry Potter font? :o

I don't remember, but I doubt it. I do have HP fonts. :P


What I imagine would greatly apply here, stepping into the shoes of a hater of the name "Teridax," would be:


It Sucks.


Frankly, I couldn't care quite a bit less at all. :P I, with all due respect (and I truly do mean that), I think it's a topic that shouldn't quite be delved into as much as you did with this entry, though I can't stop you from writing your so infamous, incredibly, mind-bogglingly long entries. :P Though I can say your compilation of links is quite useful.


I just don't think this deserves much discussion, or debate. It would get annoying, but that may just be me. :P


Though, quite surely I can say that I like the name very much. It just oozes evil to my ears, and the thought of it can be so very frightening to one that it may seem real. It carries with it a scent of unbeatable fury that can't be devoured by even the largest being known alive. That's just my opinion, but of course, quite a few have others.


Now, what I can say as a final thought would be that I respect the opinions of all, and I don't wish to be commanding and change their ways. That is my way, and I intend to keep it that way, unchanged for as long as possible.



Well, the myth gets a ton of references on the forums. So in all fairness, I think the busting of it deserves at least a portion of the time spent on it. :P Plus now I can just link to this instead of repeating myself over and over, heh.

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I never really minded the name, but one thing that confuses me is that it is only one letter different from "Tridax". I don't see the point of that, and think they should've called Teridax that; it would make sense, after all, for a Brotherhood-developed weapon to be named after the Brotherhood's leader, the one who supposedly will lead them to the domination of the Matoran Universe. True, that didn't quite happen, but it's logical. :)
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*too lazy to read all those posts*


Teridax sounds pretty cool, if you don't think about dinosaurs. But it's pretty obvious what it's based on, and I resent that. If they wanted to basee his name on the Maori word for pterodactyl, fine, but English? It's like if they called him Evil-o, or Darknahk. Blech.


It's awfully close to Tridax, but I don't know a thing about Tridax anyway, so he must not be a very relevant character. =P


I was ticked when they made more than one Makuta, 'cause I liked Makuta as a singular title, like Emperor or The Shadowed One. I was also amazed that there were that many beings as powerful as he was, all trying to take out six Toa. Seemed like they had a bit of an advantage.


I've kept calling hiim Makuta, except when I have to be clear on it, and now he's back to being Makuta again. That's good. =D

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Teridax sounds pretty cool, if you don't think about dinosaurs. But it's pretty obvious what it's based on, and I resent that. If they wanted to basee his name on the Maori word for pterodactyl, fine, but English? It's like if they called him Evil-o, or Darknahk. Blech.

What I wanna know is, why do people resent English-based names? Like I said above, IMO it makes great sense to name him after a Pterodactyl (sp lol?), because his "normal" form we were introduced to in 2004 had wings (that looked actually quite a bit like ptero wings). That form is the one that has "stuck', if not the most popular one. So why should LEGO shy away from using that as a base?


But might just be a simple taste thing. Personally, I like English-base names better than ones that sound like random gibberish, because it sounds more like it has meaning. :shrugs:


I guess what I'm asking is, why do you dislike that naming style?



The whole tridax similarity is a good point, for the record.

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I remember back in 2001 when I thought those names were really weird, and it took me months to find out how to pronouce them. :P


Oh, it's from some Bionicle Video Game. No wonder it looked so weird. :P

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Teridax sounds pretty cool, if you don't think about dinosaurs. But it's pretty obvious what it's based on, and I resent that. If they wanted to basee his name on the Maori word for pterodactyl, fine, but English? It's like if they called him Evil-o, or Darknahk. Blech.

What I wanna know is, why do people resent English-based names? Like I said above, IMO it makes great sense to name him after a Pterodactyl (sp lol?), because his "normal" form we were introduced to in 2004 had wings (that looked actually quite a bit like ptero wings). That form is the one that has "stuck', if not the most popular one. So why should LEGO shy away from using that as a base?


But might just be a simple taste thing. Personally, I like English-base names better than ones that sound like random gibberish, because it sounds more like it has meaning. :shrugs:


I guess what I'm asking is, why do you dislike that naming style?

I don't know about him, but I've always felt that what makes BIONICLE so great is the exotic feel of it- Strange islands and names and myths that simply aren't often present in other competing lines. When names are made to be blatantly obvious like Teridax (Or Carapar, Hydraxon, Axonn, Vamprah- Those were some of the worst), it looses the exotic feel to a degree.


I myself don't mind names that are based on real words (Antroz, Chirox, and the ones based on scientific names are all good), but when they sound too close to English words it just strikes me as bland. And generic- Reminds me of Power Rangers and other children's lines. It robs BIONICLE of some of its uniqueness.

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