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Living Dead



PMship lingers; I keep blogging.


Astronomers announce the fact that almost 300 exo-planets have been discovered. The reason for these discoveries? Well, astronomers are looking for life on other worlds. Mainly through the existence of water. So far, nothing promising has been found, and instead, our questions about the universe have been answered with even more questions. For example, our solar system is the odd one out. Every other solar system we've discovered thus far has no more than 4 or 5 planets, and typically, all of them are gas giants. Furthermore, these gas giants orbit rediculously close to their stars, and carry masses many times that of Jupiter. Why then, is our solar system so different? Many star systems are lucky to have 1 rocky planetoid. Our sun boasts 4 rocky planets, and countless large asteroids and other planetoids. The discovery of the lack of rocky planets has discouraged astronomers as to the existance of water on other worlds, but then again, does life need water to survive? Is all life (assuming it exists elsewhere) dependant on water like us? Maybe, maybe not. We're not even sure if we're going to find any traces of life, let alone ones that can survive without water. IMO, the whole search seems like a wild goose chase. Let's say we find life on a star system 500 lightyears away. What are we going to do? Send them a message and wait over a millenium for any response? What if they don't receive it? What if they're unable to answer? What if they're hostile?


Meh. Why don't we stick our money back into getting man on the moon again?


(NASA plans a manned launch to the moon in the new Ares rocket by 2017)


The Argetlam


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Argy, you really need to see the episode of The Universe on parallel universes, it'll blow your mind.



Sounds very interesting...


The Argetlam

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Living Dead

Yes? Oh, not talking to me.


Many star systems are lucky to have 1 rocky planetoid.

Eh, how do we know? Mostly we detect gas giants because they're bigger thus make a bigger wobble effect. We're not able to detect rock planets in most systems yet one way or other.


The discovery of the lack of rocky planets has discouraged astronomers as to the existance of water on other worlds, but then again, does life need water to survive? Is all life (assuming it exists elsewhere) dependant on water like us? Maybe, maybe not. We're not even sure if we're going to find any traces of life, let alone ones that can survive without water.

Ya, pointed out often. Who knows.


What if they're hostile?

Hope they don't have hyperdrive. :P

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Many star systems are lucky to have 1 rocky planetoid.

Eh, how do we know? Mostly we detect gas giants because they're bigger thus make a bigger wobble effect. We're not able to detect rock planets in most systems yet one way or other.

Very true; my statement is merely an assumption off of what we've discovered thus far, and by all means is subject to change as we discover more.


What if they're hostile?

Hope they don't have hyperdrive. :P



But seriously, if we ever do find life, do you think they'll be as advanced as us, less advanced than us, or more advanced than us?


Heck, not just landing on the moon, but they're planning on establishing a colony there.

Yeah. Not sure how that's going to work out though. It'll be difficult to maintain initially, and'll take many years to get built.


The Argetlam

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But seriously, if we ever do find life, do you think they'll be as advanced as us, less advanced than us, or more advanced than us?

I'ma stick with "who knows". :P

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But seriously, if we ever do find life, do you think they'll be as advanced as us, less advanced than us, or more advanced than us?

Yes. Definitely.

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