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Kardiak Arrest Auditions - Karda Nui Matoran



You heard the title! Kardiak Arrest Auditions are officially opening! _icon_joy_.gif

Why? Well, I plan to release a teaser trailer which also doubles up as one of the first scenes in Kardiak Arrest! It only features Av-Matoran voices. The rest of auditions will happen once Part 1 is written.

Well, how will the audition process work? Well, below are the different characters. There will be a description where required of any particular voices I am looking for, otherwise it's however you interpret them. There may or may not be descriptions of personality, but only in rare cases will I announce here. You will also get a line from the official texts, not from Kardiak Arrest to try from.

For Av-Matoran auditions, the period is open for two weeks, to the 10th of December 2008 at 8pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. You may apply for as many roles as you like, and have as many takes of roles as you like, but naturally you may not get all or any of those you applied for. Don't worry, there's more oppertunity later.

Please record your audition lines and send to phyoohrii@hotmail.com. So, what you waiting for? Get cracking!


Available Roles So Far: Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran of Karda Nui

Tanma - No requested voice, but must be able to whistle Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Sensible character, most sensible in fact.

"We're our own here - like we've always been - and we'll stand or fall on our own."


Gavla - GIRL! Sassy character. May or may not also be tipsy at times.

"I finally found a place where I belonged, and you took it away from me."


Solek - Excitable. Like you didn't already know that?

"Toa wouldn't run. Great heroes like Tahu and Kopaka would stand and fight!"


Photok - Completely up to you.

"No idea. But it was sure fun! I just thought about us going faster, and zing!"


Radiak - Completely up to you, although may or may not be tipsy at times.

"Why are you hiding? You always used to talk so brave … come out and fight!"


Kirop - Completely up to you.

"All those years we spent hiding in the light ... we were wrong. We should have embraced the darkness from the start."


The Eleventh Magazine I got features the LEGO themes LEGO Studios, Alpha Team, BIONICLE, Racers and Star Wars. It is June 2001.

Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

N.B. Now the tried and true layout has disappeared, and the vertical size has decreased! What horror! Oh, and Toa is German, nein?


Recommended Comments

I'd like to, but actually being able to record the voices would be a challenge without my parents finding out and then killing me. >_<


I'll see what I can do.

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Unfortunately, I'm with Teeb on this one. I would love the chance to, though. Good luck with Kardiak Arrest, Phyoorii.


(oh gee i hope i spelled his name right)

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Imma apply for all of 'em. Just kidding, but I'll try as many as I can.


But not right now, 'cause I have to go to bed.


But hang on -- how do we send the files to you? Is there something like Brickshelf, but for audio files?

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The easiest thing would be to put them straight in the email as an attachment (in fact, that's what I would prefer), but otherwise Brickshelf usually works for audio files, as long as they're not Mp3. Savefile is usually good for that sort of thing.



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I'm definitely auditioning, once I decide what role I like. :P Hey, are other roles going to be up for grabs later? I'd love to do Pohatu or Krika.
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The rest of auditions will happen once Part 1 is written.

Well, that's not entirely true. MOST will be once Part 1 is written. There may be some here and there that I'll leave for later.



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Ah, I forgot about attaching files. Okie doke. =)


I fear my microphone sucks, but I might be able to use my mp3 player for it instead.

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If I can figure out how (or if there is one) to use the audio recording on my laptop, I'll send you some voice clips.


Too bad there's kind of only one character I can audition for.....unless I played a guy.

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Of course, of course. Again, did I not mention that?

You may apply for as many roles as you like, and have as many takes of roles as you like, but naturally you may not get all or any of those you applied for. Don't worry, there's more oppertunity later.

And Nukaya, there will be more female roles available later, just so you know. Stay tuned.




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