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Card Throwing



That's my latest hobby

the cards don't hurt, "it feels like being hit by a paper clip" according to the one person I hit (accidentally :rolleyes: )


My favorite thins about it are

1. i taught myself to do it

2. the nice "crack" sound it makes when the card hits a wall


I'll have to take a picture of one of my more thrown cards, because they get pretty beat up after only a few throws




"The nice thing about being a celebrity is that if you bore people they think it's their fault."



~Henry Kissinger




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(Ugh... Henry Kissinger has said a few other things that are... well, pretty much pure evil.)


I remember a Mythbusters where they were trying to shoot down if you could kill a guy by flicking cards just right. I also saw it on an MTV show a few years back which can't be named.


It can make red marks, even make one bleed somewhat... but kill? Not really.

It'd sure feel great in one's eye though.


I always wanted to learn how to do this... mainly because I used to watch a show called Battle of the Planets that had a guy doing this to the bad guys... with FEATHERS.

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