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On this note I should tell my younger readers this: As you get older people will claim they have no idea what to get you. There might be a year where you get lots of money. But then people ask you for a list of what you want and you'll give it to them and then they'll pick out things they think you want/need when in actuality it'd be very cool if they just got you what was on your list. (Which is why I worked hard to get people what was actually on their list.) I can't be picky and shouldn't be a Scrooge, but I got some stuff I could live without and where Lego or a CD would have been cool.


And that's about all that needs to be said about my Christmas.


Now don't get the wrong idea and think that I'm bitter about not getting what I want> I did get some great things, and Christmas is about family and all that good stuff. But considering I got nothing on my list, I'm a little bit disappointed.




"I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included."

~Bernard Manning


Relevant quote, I'm too good to you guys




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I've been quoted!

(I don't think is the first time either.)


Sad to hear that it wasn't quite as you hoped.

Did you get money? I've decided instead of saving some of mine, I'm going to take my relatives wishes literally and really get something I wanted for Christmas: Takanuva. Perhaps take advantage of the sale going on at Borders right now?



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