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Airsoft Battles.



Well, where do I begin? After a few talks over the phone on Friday, me and my good buddies Dylan and Tyler invited me over to his place to play with Airsoft guns on Saturday morning before I had to leave to go to my grandparents' birthdays and whatnot. At the time, I just figured it'd be us free messing around in Tyler's back yard, but heh- turned out to be different then that Xp


Well, I was dropped off at Tyler's place, he and Dylan were both there. We grabbed a few weapons and drove down to a really big area of woods behind a nursing home that was littered with old crates, huge tires, and so on. I'll admit I was a little concerned at first, because if it was anything like Paintball, I was bound to accumulate a few welts by the end of the day. After talking with them and learning a bit more, all the nervousness went away. Pretty funny that I felt fine, because later on Dylan said he felt bad for plunging me right into a battle XP


So we geared up with protective gear *I was wearing a cool paintball mask, a cameo flak-jacket'ish airsoft coat and holsters* and chose our weapons. I went with an assault rifle with a pistol, Dylan decided to dual wield pistols while Tyler went with a shotgun.


So we trekked out deep into the woods until we were in a really muddy, marshy area just bristling with pricker bushes . We decided that on three body shots and a head shot, you'd be "killed"- the only other rule being not to point our guns at the nearby highway so we would spend half the day in a jail cell XP . So we split up and until we couldn't see eachother. We all counted to three and then started the battle.


I went stealthy, waiting for Dyl and Tyler to start fighting. I ended up crawling around them as they fought with eachother, having to endure a whole heckuva lot of pricker bushes cutting me all over and getting mud all over my clothes. So finally I sneak behind both of them and get into a comfortable firing area. Giving a quick note of the area around me, being the large stump in front of me I was using for cover, a whole field of prickers to the left and a group of trees to the right. I popped out from behind the stump and fired a burst at Tyler, then Dylan before taking cover again. Like I expected, I heard a few pelts whizz over my head.


So yeah, then we broke into a big ol' fire-fight that lasted for around 15 minutes until Dylan and Tyler both realized I had the advantage of terrain and weapons. They ganged up on me. I was running out of ammo and was pinned down by them both. I had to get them off my backs, and soon. Dylan was the lesser of the two threats, but I knew Tyler would be charging in close to finish me off with his shotgun if I didn't keep him in check.


So with my Assault rifle tucked under one arm and the other being free, I pulled out my pistol. With my one arm, I stuck my assaut rifle out of cover and fired blindly at Tyler, my goal being merely to supress him and keep him from getting any closer. With my other arm, I took to firing at Dylan, managing to get him twice in the hip before he ducked for cover. 'Course, it was only then that I realized I had took a shot myself- but I had Dylan wounded and out of the way for the moment, so I needed to put a stop to Tyler.


I threw myself out from my cover towards the right, taking cover in the trees nearby, keeping a sharp eye out for Dylan the whole time. But I should have seen Tyler's attack coming when I turned my head to see if Dylan was flanking me- I got struck in the arm with a shot, leaving me down to only one body shot and head shot remaining. When I started hearing the crackling of branches behind me, I knew Dylan was closing in. With my brain all excited and racing, I realized I was pretty muched screwed at that point, and my best bet would be to try and go out with a bang.


Bursting out from my cover, I charged head-on at Tyler, yelling a certain catchphrase of mine that I use while video gaming *undoubtedly I cannot repeat it here due to a slight language problem, so oh well* and going nuts with my rifle. If it had been a video game, I would have probably gone melee on him. Instead I just went for firing like crazy, and in that last second I remember both of us being blasted with who knows how many BBs. We both "killed" eachother and Dylan was left confused in the dust. Therefor he wonXD


'Course I got torn to pieces, but I had scored two body shots on Dylan AND outright "killed" Tyler at the same time he blasted me from head to foot in shotgun shells. So yeah, I lost- but Tyler and Dylan both said I did really darn good for the first time!


So after that we cleaned up, drove back home and watched a bit of the hillariously bad Resident Evil: Extinction before I got picked up by my parents and taken to my grandfather's ludicrously boring house for a few relative's birthdays. Then we drove back and picked up Dylan and he spent the night over here. We watched Christmas Vacation and Dead Space: Downfall before spending two more hours talking in the dark.


And that's a wrap, folks!


I want to do it again with them 8D


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Yeah, just a couple of days ago I was in this 20-person airsoft fight... it was AWESOME! Once I just used two CO2 pistols, so I didn't have to keep cocking them back, and just stormed the enemy's base, and took down 3 people who were reloading before my capture.


-Nuju Metru

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I was in a paintball battle once. It was my job to guard the bases lower floor. It was pretty fun, and I remeber getting shot in the neck and it didn't break, so the shot didn't count. I should try and play again, but I don't know where the battle areas are.

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