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Supa Supa Theory Challenge

Wrinkledlion X


So this is how it's gonna work:

Many parts of the movies were poorly explained because they were just stupid that way, sometimes. So all you storyline buffs are going to come up with theories that explain these discrepancies, okay? For the Supa Supa Theory Challenge.

The best of these theories I'll ask Greg about (Using my incredible powers of persuasion), and if you're lucky maybe it'll become canon.


The challenge:

Compose a theory to explain how Takanuva was revived at the end of MoL.


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The EP pool that Teridax and Takanuva fell into and the Protodermic floor sections were connected underground.


When Teridax fell into the pool, he had traces of the virus that Makuta use to create Rahi on him. Some of this virus was transfered to the Kanohi Avohkii when Takutanuva was formed.


The tremendous amount of energy that Takutanuva possessed increased the mental imprint left on the MoL.


The presence of EP and the virus began to create a Rahi, but the mental imprint influenced the process into creating an entirely new Takanuva body with the stored Takanuva's mind.

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Sounds fun.



Kanohi are imprinted somewhat by their wearer. Takanuva's mind/soul, whatever it is, was imprinted on the Avohkii. Upon the Avohkii being placed alongside its wearers friends, the energy of Mata-Nui, the imprint, and Takanuva's still close soul, came together and his body reformed.

Mangaia (or whatever it is) is on the island Mata-Nui, and close to the face and brain of the Great Spirit. This energy helped the process along.



All I got.

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The residual energies of Takanuva's soul, guiding the mask, used his power to gather the residual antidermis and EPleft on it and in the pools, as well as the hope of his fellow toa/turaga/matoran, to form a new body for him. This could also be used to explain why he accepted the flight virus so well in his serial.
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That is all.



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When Takutanuva was formed he gained access to all Av-Matoran powers. When the door fell, Takanuva quickly and instictively separeted from Terry and transformed into a state of pure light, preserving himself inside the Avohkii. Vakama then placed the mask in some sort of energy provider stuff (the UDD thing), giving Taka the power boost he needed to materialize again.


So, in my theory, he doesn't even die.

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