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Oh Man, I Could Write Better Than That!



Just how stupid do those screenwriters think we are? I mean, sheesh already.


I've watched my share of really bad TV movies, but maybe I'm getting ornery in my old age. Last night I watched Sci-Fi Channel's Black Hole where St. Louis was gobbled up by a man-made (you guessed it) black hole. It was so bad, both my scifi junky kids turned up their noses, and they usually eat this garbage up with a spoon. Even the original Buffy couldn't save anything - and those nerd-scientist-chick glasses to make her look smart? Gimme a break!


The dialog, story, and acting just about killed me. There was zero scientific accuracy in the movie, and the worst part was, it wasn't even interesting, the worst sin in writing. Hint to whoever "wrote" this trash: the "outcast scientists who save us all" theme is really getting old here. I feel like I've had the equivalent of a neural enema.


How do these hacks get jobs writing this crud?


Watching sludge like this makes me want drop everything else and just work on the screenplay I've had in the back of my brain for the last few years. But there's no guarantee it'd get bought or produced, and I've let myself get into too many other projects (some of which are wrapping up soon, I hope). So maybe someday.


But seriously, that's two hours of my life I'm not gonna get back.


At least yesterday's new Kim Possible episode was much better written and was entertaining. But it's bittersweet, the last of the third season episodes to air in the US. Now we have to wait until '07 to see any of Season 4. I guess watching Black Hole compared to KP showed just how low the bar is set for writing skills needed to survive in Hollywood, and how few shows (like KP) are actually well done.


Maybe this'll teach me to be more selective in my entertainment viewing.



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I don't know, grease monkey, but most movies these days are pretty formulaic: the underdog gets beaten, only to make a comeback in the end. Sometimes it's just how it's told that makes things different.


We may have to wait until '07, but just be glad they brought it back... now we don't need these headstones anymore. It would be a kick if the episodes were released to coincide with Christy's planned wedding. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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And that's why I don't have any channels, or a working TV for that matter. The sheer load of garbage out there is mind boggling. I couldn't agree with you more, Binky.

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Yes, the writing might be abysmal, the acting might be horrific, the directing might be Bollish... but look on the bright side: there's all those other crew-type people who got paid and/or work experience(so very very crucial in the film industry... it's amazing how much unpaid work you have to do before they start coughing up dough). :D


... shame it doesn't make the movies themselves any better. :blink:


And consider this as well: there are people down in Hollywood South who are paid ridiculous amounts of money just to bang out these awful scripts written around a whole list of exact things the producers/studios want('Tom Cruise leaping from a burning building', 'car chase down I-5', etc.). Which certainly explains a great deal about a lot of movies out there, doesn't it?


And then there's the people who are just plain awful on their own, of course. Always.

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So True, Some of the good science movies are on the Discovery Channel (No joke). I liked the one about a super volcano under Yellowstone National Park (end of the world as we know it... again <_< ), That one was okay.




legoguy14 :silver:

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why st. louis? and how did they make a black hole? I doubt they had a supernova to work with, or a hopelessly powerful gravity-increasing device....thing.


pathetic how bad movies are these days... which explains why I just stick with monty python.

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I feel for ya, Binky. TV movies are rarely any good.


In the sci-fi realm, I'll just stick to Doctor Who. And if you haven't seen any of that yet, you haven't seen awesome sci-fi, in my own humble opinion ... and all of the other rabid Whovians across the globe. ^_^


Although I will say that ST:Voyager's good too, as is Stargate, and of course Andromeda and Babylon 5 ...

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