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Becoming Insane..

Angel Beat


Hello, my name is Mario and this entry will be a long-overdue update of my life.

But where to start...


As you may know, I'm finally back in college, enjoying my photography classes. We also get lessons in video, but it's not my main interest. There's also Photoshop (CS3), optics, animation, Dutch, maths and English.


My favourite class is English, actually. Maybe because I'm top of the class, baby. Also, our teacher hails from the USA. Portland, Oregon, if I'm not mistaken. The teacher is so awesome.


A lot of the days are rather long. First class starts at 8.30 am and last class ends at 3.30 pm. There's also the traveling issue. It's an hour and a half trying to get to school by public transport and one and a half hour to get home. It's what makes me tired. Too tired to do anything else, like getting a job on the side. Which sucks, because I'm, like, totally broke. But I probably need a job anyway. During the weekends, I'm usually asleep half of the day and night. I'm actually lacking a social life. <.<;


Ah well, there's only so much a person can do before getting to their breaking point.

...Not that I'm at that point or anything.


There's also the issue of classmates. Sure, I have a lot of cool ones. (Shout out to y'all!) But some are just annoying and childish. *sigh* Maybe that's because I'm one of the older students in my class. Man, they give me headaches.


And for the past few weeks, I've developed a rather irritating 'condition'. Sensitive hearing and eyesight, which gives me a lot of headaches. I'm spending less time online because of it.

My coach at school knows I've developed this annoyance and I've been staying home a bit more often with her permission. I really should see a doctor about this some time.



Sometimes, I'm just sitting at the computer desk listening to music and reading a book, using my pc screen as some kind of reading light. It seems to help against the headaches a bit. Juuust a little bit. Painkillers are useless against this kind of headache, unfortunately. I've tried aspirines, Aleve and ibuprofen. The last two in that row could be used to drop an elephant, metaphorically speaking. They have no effect, other than the sheer annoyance of them not working.


Time to change the subject. The last one gives me a headache.


Gaming! I haven't played on my 360 for quite some time. This is thanks to my mother losing interest in the pc, so she is now hoarding the televison. We only have one, so she basically makes it impossible for me to play on my 360. It results in me not getting my Burnout Paradise and Mass Effect fix, so I have resorted to playing a different game.


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.


Awesome game. Really nice depiction of the World of Darkness. Just a shame the game is incredibly bugged. I've patched it up big time, though, so the game plays better now. The characters are often hilarious, especially Smiling Jack, one of the first vampires you meet. (Rumour has it he used to be a pirate.)

The game is rated M. It's for good reason, with all the blood, guts, violence and bad language. But it's soo hilarious.


My favourite mission so far, is the haunted Ocean House hotel. There's no fighting involved, but the scripting and writing is so amazing, it just gives me goosebumps talking about it. Seriously, it could've been a continuation of Stephen King's "The Shining".


Just stay clear of the falling elevator. ;)


Switching subjects again..


In the last few months, I have found several places where I can contact BoA, which I did, of course. No response at any of them. Understandable, since she's very busy with her American debut. But yeah, I haven't contacted her a lot, since it can backfire.

Rabid fans, anyone?


If you're wondering, yeah, I still love her with all my heart, mind and soul. ^_^ The bad part is that something inside me is blocking those feelings from coming out. I'm afraid it's another wall that needs to be broken down. It's very hard to do, since I am no aware of the cause of this wall. It makes me feel empty inside.


I just hope that something will happen soon that makes me able to break the walls and feel the love again.


And with that, I shall conclude this entry.


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The mere fact that Val-buddy has an Oregonian teacher is awesome enough to make me jump for joy. ^_^





Do you call him Mr. K?

Lol, no. :)

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And for the past few weeks, I've developed a rather irritating 'condition'. Sensitive hearing and eyesight, which gives me a lot of headaches. I'm spending less time online because of it.


I really should see a doctor about this some time.


Yes, you should. I do wonder though, are there any other symptons you haven't mentioned? Perhaps some dreams or things of a truly odd nature accompanying these episodes?


Just curious...


In the last few months, I have found several places where I can contact BoA, which I did, of course. No response at any of them. Understandable, since she's very busy with her American debut. But yeah, I haven't contacted her a lot, since it can backfire.

Rabid fans, anyone?


If you're wondering, yeah, I still love her with all my heart, mind and soul. happy.gif The bad part is that something inside me is blocking those feelings from coming out. I'm afraid it's another wall that needs to be broken down. It's very hard to do, since I am no aware of the cause of this wall. It makes me feel empty inside.


This whole thing is kinda' creepin' me out. Have you and her had a history before this? You're talking like you are, but if you haven't... whoof. You're setting yourself up for pain it would seem.

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And for the past few weeks, I've developed a rather irritating 'condition'. Sensitive hearing and eyesight, which gives me a lot of headaches. I'm spending less time online because of it.


I really should see a doctor about this some time.


Yes, you should. I do wonder though, are there any other symptons you haven't mentioned? Perhaps some dreams or things of a truly odd nature accompanying these episodes?


Just curious...


There are no other symtoms, I'm afraid..


In the last few months, I have found several places where I can contact BoA, which I did, of course. No response at any of them. Understandable, since she's very busy with her American debut. But yeah, I haven't contacted her a lot, since it can backfire.

Rabid fans, anyone?


If you're wondering, yeah, I still love her with all my heart, mind and soul. happy.gif The bad part is that something inside me is blocking those feelings from coming out. I'm afraid it's another wall that needs to be broken down. It's very hard to do, since I am no aware of the cause of this wall. It makes me feel empty inside.


This whole thing is kinda' creepin' me out. Have you and her had a history before this? You're talking like you are, but if you haven't... whoof. You're setting yourself up for pain it would seem.

Lol, I can imagine, to be honest. There hasn't been a history between us.

I'm not afraid to deal with the consequences and pain if nothing happens or if she ends up with someone else.


She'll follow her heart and if it leads to someone else, well, then I'll be happy for her. As long as she is happy. ^_^


I won't stalk her or become obsessed. :fear: History has proved it only inflicts more pain on others. Maybe I'll explain this in another entry.

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