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Follow Up 2



Okay, this was a doozy. Here's what I've come up with, let me know your thoughts and whether you're strictly opposed to anything that's been decided here:


1) What are members?


Most people liked my suggestion, but not so much the Makuta thing. To justify, what I meant was that they get the 42 Kraata powers and are charged with making sure the universe runs smoothly. If you still don't like it, then how about admins get to have Exo-Toa suits?


2) How does BIONICLESector01 work?


Looks like it's a separate island on a different map. That was the original plan, but just wanted to see what people thought first. ;)


3) How does BIONICLE.com work?


Okay, this one was rather on the edge and most people wanted to leave it out. Going with TtW's idea somewhat, how about we just get news or such delivered from there, though we never visit it?


4) Is there anything else that you can think of that has not been mentioned?


Just proto and post count needs to be explained, it seems. Um... any suggestions? :P


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1) I still think Order of Mata Nui members would be preferable, because...oh, maybe, I dunno. They just always seem more...good to me. Because Makuta were never 100% good, I believe.

2) Yeah, good.

3) Not a bad idea at all, although then perhaps other islands would have to be created as well to represent the other major news sources. Well, they don't have to, since they're never visited, but you know.

4) Post count is...wealth? No, too risky. I dunno. But proto could still be just merit and demerit points like on a license and stuff. Yeah, everyone has a license, which has proto and join date info and such.



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1.OOMN. Please?




3.Fine, as long as BionicleStory.com is the same.


4.I like the "license card" idea, but I think that your rank (seeker,etc.) should become your job. Higher-ranked jobs could get better pay.


Pay could be used to buy graphics, base gallery avs, etc. from the staff.


Lastly, proto should reflect on your house/hut, with full being a really nice house, and empty being a rundown one full of cracks, which you must try to fix with your pay.


-Vez :xmas:

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Well, "Order of Mata Nui Member" is a bit vague, IMO, because they range from beings like Mazeka to ones like Axonn. Making them Makuta or Exo-Toa wearers is just more definitive.

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Also, the Order of Mata Nui is supposed to be secret. The Admins are... well... :P

Although they do sometimes work from the shadows... :sly:


Not really sure about the rest, yet. Except for my own idea. :P


Oh, and for BS01, there were some banners about "Wiki-Nui," and then there was that huge war a while ago. That could be kind of relevant. :shrugs:

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Oh, and for BS01, there were some banners about "Wiki-Nui," and then there was that huge war a while ago. That could be kind of relevant. :shrugs:

Yeah, I didn't really follow that when it was happening, but I think we may borrow from that when it comes to fitting BS01 into all this.


Oh, and I'm extending this response for another week because I seem to have overshadowed myself with that "theory" entry I posted right after this. :rolleyes:

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Well, just for saving space, I agree with everything EXCEPT for the whole BS01 thing. The two websites are allied, right? What if they are EXTREMELY close islands, with a number of chute networks connecting them? That'd make it pretty easy for BS01-inites (like myself :P), to live on one island or the other, but still be part of BZP.


As for post counts, I remember that Exo Malakai (who has a different name now) once had the idea that killing wild and dangerous animals gave you more 'posts'. If we changed this slightly, it could possibly work. The Proto system could be a tube that all BZP members are given. The level of the Proto Tube (-1, 0, 1, etc.) gives you more respect from assorted people. Only Toa can lower the amount, by somehow using their elements. If the tube become empty, the member is exiled form the island.


That could possibly work.

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