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Yay! I'm back from the beach! I've only been able to use my step dad's iphone for the last week, so I've only been able to view, not post. More importantly. I need a new program to make banners and avatars with. Anyone know a good free one I can download somewhere? I really want to start making stuff again. :(


Also I'm an RK now, cool. B) However, I still plan on revamping the physics topic first. That beast will not defeat me...


As for my holiday, it was alright, for the first half of the week the surf was too calm, useless for doing anything really fun and the second week was too cold and rough and many beaches were closed. Still, I managed to get wet a fair bit and annoy some tourists. :P I also had my own apartment 'cause of a stuff up with the resort thing. I had my own spa, cable TV, kitchen, double bed, balcony and there was an ice-cream store like right next to me. It was pretty fun. ^_^


Other than that, I need people to fill me in on what has happened in the last week. I managed to see that thing in Binky's blog, but other than that I've been pretty out of it. :P


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