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Governor Of Illinois



Sad stories spread across states as some shady Chicago supervisor was spotted shamelessly selling senate seats.


(I posted this just for the alliteration, don't get too political. :P)




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Stewart informed me that you have a better chance of going to jail as the governor of Illinois than you would if you became a murderer!

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I'm happy he was actually busted. At least these criminals (most of them) get payback once in awhile.


The biggest criminal is in the process of pardoning him and his accessories from any possible future litigation, no matter what future investigations find.


These are not nice people.

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Here's another set of s's, personally directed to the gov'nor himself: stupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupid.


I mean, what was he thinking, doing this in the middle of an already on-going government investigation?

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Apparently, all ain't able to appreciate alliteration and abstain from actionable analysis.


Locked for political discussion.

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