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Design A 'glitch' Character Contest!

Lady Kopaka


IMPORTANT UPDATE! I'm extending the deadline to January 18th! A few people requested this because of the busy holiday season. Please notice, this will be the last extension, so please get your entries in! Thank you!




Design a ‘glitch’ character contest!


Hello everyone! Lately, I’ve been having a fun time with Glitch in the System, and I also am aware a lot of you guys are enjoying it too. So, I thought why not make some fun contest to bring other peoples' ideas in the story?

So I considered it, and now this is official: the purpose is to design a minor character in the story. If you win, the design will be that said characters official look in the BZP epic, Glitch in the System.


Now let’s get down to the technical stuff. Who are you allowed to design? Well, any minor character of your choice. It could be a character as prominent as Captain Yuuzian, or to those Matoran fishermen we met back in Section 5. :P



Basic Rules:


- Like I said above, any minor character is allowed. Characters that are not allowed although are the characters Tachi, Komas, Makuta Szian, Zerak, and Niihlus.


- Only one entry per person and you can only design one character. If you feel you should be allowed to enter more than one image, please say so, but I believe I'm going to stick with just one.


- Obviously, follow all BZP rules. Nothing too gory, revealing, or offending.


- It must be a new drawing never seen before on BZP.


- You’re allowed to enter a digital, traditional, or even a 3D design of a character—they can be doing something, or it could just be them in a ‘Character Sheet’. I’m iffy about edits or MoCs cause I want this to be an art contest, but I may make exceptions.


- I usually don’t like the voting system, so I will judge and have a few friends offer their opinions. I will also read through the entries and comments to see which entries you guys like the most as well.


- I’m going to be as unbiased as possible. I will not be choosing who is the most talented or popular; it will be decided on the originality, and what best suits the character.


General Information:


- It will depend on the number of entries, but only one or two entries will be the winners. So, I may get a bunch of entries with different characters, but there will only be one ‘canon’ character. The rest of the characters that did not get a final appearance in the contest will be finished by me.


- It would be encouraged that you are a GitS admirer, or at least someone who is familiar with it to enter. In my epic, I do describe most characters in one way or another. True, you are the designer, but just be aware of how I originally planned the character. For example, Szian’s servant is green and dangly, so while you can have fun with different approaches, I probably wouldn’t allow someone who made him tall, red, and didn’t suit the GitS theme to win.


- If you are uncertain of choosing a character right away—that’s fine. I have two chapters in the works that will be finished (hopefully) before the deadline; you can wait and read those to get a better idea of some characters. You can also contact me to inquire of a character you’d like to draw.


- Just to be nice to you guys, here’s a list of the characters that are allowed to be designed. Choose any—I might be missing a few, and any descriptions of the characters you can find yourself. (Or I suppose, if you ask nicely I could find and show you)

  • Szian’s Servant
  • Philo T'Sak
  • Makuta Muurax
  • Captain Yuuzian
  • Vheon
  • Creolé
  • Zimriah
  • Naosu
  • Usoan
  • Toa Uchik
  • Other?


Just for easier viewing and organizing, please follow this entry form when you post your drawing.


Member name: (Your screen-name)

Selected Character: (Name the character that you chose to design)

Entry Link: (A link to your entry)

Topic: (Optional)



As of now, the only thing awarded to the winner will be that their design will become the official look of that chosen character. If you think the winner deserves more, you are welcomed to discuss it.




If you guys have any questions at all, please ask them, I’m more than happy to help you out. For the most basic questions just go ahead and ask now; anything that would require some discussion, you may PM me.

Since AC16 is ending soon, and the holidays are coming up, THE DEADLINE FOR THIS WILL BE JANUARY 18th, 2009 (12:00 AM EST). If you think it needs to be longer or shorter, please express your opinion.


And now I hope some of you guys will feel obliged to enter! Please inform me via PM, or here if you want to or are just considering entering. I'd like to know so I can prepare how to organize the contest better. Good luck!


Recommended Comments

But I've never read your epic, do you think you could post a bit about what the characters look like?

Well it depends on what character you want. I'd really wouldn't want to spend an hour or more fishing up all the information for these guys cause of lack of computer time, but if I must I'll probably do it.


I take it this is an art contest only? I'd like to compete by entering a description, but I'm horrible at art.

You could add a description and I guess it depends on how many entries I get-- but yes this is a art contest. Still, I want to make it clear that I'm not looking for whose the most talented, I just want a design that will suit the certain character. :) It doesn't have to be amazing, I just wanted a drawing cause it's easier to picture a character when well... you have a picture. :P

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I think I'll do Uchik. But does it have to be how they found him or can it be before?

Yes. I don't want to spoil anything about him, but you can do a 'what if' deal if he was healthy dandy.


Awesome! I'm gonna do Szian's servant.




Is it crazy that I already have my entry drawn? ._.

Nope. :P

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Ahh so many Characters to choose from...


Could it be I do the good Captain Yuuzian?

Or the Slithery snake of a Xian, Naosu?

Perhaps the Mysterious Toa Uchik?

Or even my personal fave, Crunchbite (Szian's Servant, and yes thats what i've nickname'd him)


I might just draw them all and see which one I prefer to enter.


I can't wait to see who's design get's picked!


Rapi-Toa of Elements

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I might join, but I haven't kept up with the story all that well of late to be honest. Never read past chapter six... @_@


But, it's a good chance to draw something, I gather. Haven't had the slightest clue what to draw of late, so this will certainly help!


But yeah, I'll make sure to read through G.I.T.S., and draw something for your contest. ; )






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...Must...get...new tablet...at least I have incentive now.

Pencils are always good too. :P


I might join, but I haven't kept up with the story all that well of late to be honest. Never read past chapter six... @_@

I really don't mind if you haven't read the whole story, as long as you get the gist of a certain character, that's fine. :)

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After considering my time restraints, access to resources, skills, and competition, I've decided not to enter. I just don;t have a chance. I might draw something; I'll probably send it to you when it's finished in February (or whenever I can actually finish the thing ><). But I look forward to the other's entries.


:voyanui: Master of the Rahkshi :voyanui:

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this adds to the reason why i should read this.

i might enter, but, not untill i read ALL of this story....

i think that will be in about..... 2 years :P

wait, when is the deadline agein?


--akaku, master of air

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I am supposed to just post it in this blog entry, right?

Yes, you're fine. But could you fix it so it's setup in the entry form like I asked on the page? It's easier to view for me. :) (Also I'll review in the PM or your art topic later)


After considering my time restraints, access to resources, skills, and competition, I've decided not to enter. I just don;t have a chance. I might draw something; I'll probably send it to you when it's finished in February (or whenever I can actually finish the thing ><). But I look forward to the other's entries.

That's fine, I understand about being busy and such, don't worry about it. ^^;


wait, when is the deadline agein?

The deadline is stated at the end of this blog entry as Jan 6th, 2009.


I'm SO entering... better read GitS first.

Yay, another contestant! I hope you enjoy the epic, and if you don't have enough time to read it all before the deadline, PM me if you want to ask any questions. :)

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I'm planning on entering! The only problem is, there are too many great characters I want to draw... >.< ...And no, the fact that I'm a horribly indecisive person has nothing to do with why I'm having so much trouble deciding who to draw. :P


At least I've narrowed it down to three characters...*sigh*


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Yes! I have something to do over Christmas break! I'm totally going to enter with captain Uulyian (I hope that's how you spell it, I can never remember). I was going to enter a design for makuta Muurax until I realized I got the mask design from your makuta Damarsus :P

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Though I'd like you guys to get your entries in (no rush of course), I'm considering extending the deadline a bit more. I forgot how busy people get during this time of year. If any of you guys would like an extended deadline just ask; but please don't take advantage of it too much! :)
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Can I just make something up that has nothing to do with anything? I haven't been able to find time to read glitch because of issues that have come up... I really do intend to read it... Please don't throw a brick at me.



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