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Letting Out Abit Of My Moodyness :|



I've already created this artwork and its story. But I needed to do a re-make. This explains my depression I have about too much Vanity -_- .

The Character is the 2nd spirit of the Angel of Death, and she discribes her dreams of hateful Men who took what was dear to her. Her flesh and blood in a way was stripped and sold for selfish purposes in vain. And she wakes up from her dream and realizes that it wasn't real. She soon lives her life to the fullest and dies, in doing so helps those in need beside the Angel of Death.

Alltogether what I'm trying to express is that the stuff I see and hear is women and even teenage girls being mistreated, and even abusing themselves. Dressing up to impress in a very horrible way, and thus Some but Most Guys in the World abuse and disrespect them. Taking advantage of girls who are despreate for love or attintion, and some guys believe that All Girls are like the "Attention Getters", but truth is all girls are not like that. And I'd like an understanding to come between both Guys and Girls. :)

So please enjoy this short poem like story: Death In Vanity. Thank you.



I'm am born of carnal flesh and blood, but I grow to not want the things and the attention's of this World.

When I am grown of Natural beauty of God's Creation I do well to keep out of trouble. But as innocent as I am trouble still yet comes to find me from the darkness of the shadows in the middle of the World.

From what I've learned no one loves me for how I am. All that is dear to me, my Flesh stripped from my Bone and my Blood runnith cold. In the Blackness of Death Hate runs in my mind, Hate of how Men felt about Women, hate that abuse was in this world toward the weaker women. My heart begins to slow. I realize that all my fears a nightmare and continue not. I feel dead and lonely but I know that I'm still here. I now long for warmth, and safety and comfort. I'm not the only one who has this feeling....not all are bad as my nightmares tell me.

My Blood begins to warm, and my Heart begins to beat again. I am able to give hope, I am able to sacrifice all that I need for the sake of others....Protector and Friend.


Now Dead and gone I seek to help those on there way. The Protecter of the Helpless.


Delshiea Annock~ Second Spirit of the Angel of Death.


This story Written by ~ES6~


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