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And He Was All, "no Disintigrations."

Boogie Monsta


And I was all, "As you wish."

If you know what that's from, you're sad or amazing or both.


Anyways. Life goes on.. Julia gave back my pen (which I now carry around in my pocket to keep my awesomeness up).. Had a lot of homework today.. Watching It's a Wonderful Life now, Mom says it's classic.. It's Angel's birthday next Thursday! =D I'm getting her a necklace this week. Been saving up since September.


Make sure to get out and vote for the King of Everything if they ever get the BBC51 polls up..


So how're you guys doing?

Got some question marks for you, too. No excuse for not commenting.


1. Have you ever died in a dream?

2. Has a song ever made you tear up?

3. Have you memorized over 100 songs yet?

4. Did you just lose the game?

5. What's your favorite song?

6. D'you see any connection between being a spy, skateboarding, and a black raincoat?

7. Have you ever done something just to see if it hurts?


1. Nope. Come hecka close, tho

2. Yup, A Little More - Skillet.

3. Yes. Possibly 200.

4. Yup.

5. Idk. Probably Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana.

6. Yes, but I was in the convo.

7. Yes. It didn't.


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1. Killed several people, but never died myself.

2. The Space Oddessy 2001 theme.

3. I'm probably not even to 20. =P

4. I don't even play the game. ^_^

5. That changes about every week, so for now I'll just say Laid to Rest by Lamb of God.

6. Like the kind of spies from the Spy VS Spy comics in the old MAD magazine?

7. Yeah. Stupid batteries, burnt my tongue to Karzahni.....

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Yaaay! Questions!


1. Have you ever died in a dream? That's a really interesting question... no, I haven't.

2. Has a song ever made you tear up? Yes. Usually only a few times, though -- then it gets overplayed on the radio and I become immune.

3. Have you memorized over 100 songs yet? Probably, though I doubt I could list a hundred off the top of my head.

4. Did you just lose the game? ...Darnit!

5. What's your favorite song? Let's go with Love in Your Arms by EleventySeven.

6. D'you see any connection between being a spy, skateboarding, and a black raincoat? I see a raincoat smuggling a skateboard by hiding it behind a spy.

7. Have you ever done something just to see if it hurts? Several times. Whee! :P




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1. Have you ever died in a dream?


I was almost killed by an Elite, a Pahrak, a Glatorian, and other stuff, but I always come out alive.


2. Has a song ever made you tear up?




3. Have you memorized over 100 songs yet?




4. Did you just lose the game?


You were talking about the game which made me think about the game and thusly made me lose the game.


5. What's your favorite song?


It changes a lot with me. I love a lot of different songs, too , so it's hard to have a favourite.


6. D'you see any connection between being a spy, skateboarding, and a black raincoat?


Nope, I got nothin'


7. Have you ever done something just to see if it hurts?





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01. Not as far as I remember.

02. Nope! I'm apathetic!

03. Yes. Unless were defining "memorize" in this situation differently from each-other.

04. What is this "game" of which you speak?

05. Hmm... Well, I've said it elsewhere before, but either No Such Thing As The Promised Land or But Underneath All That.

06. No.

07. Who hasn't touched something hot for just a bit too long?

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1. I always get killed in my dreams. Makes me reluctant to get to sleep, frankly..

2. Nope.

3. Their lyrics? Probably.


5. Mistress by Disturbed

6. They're all dangerous.

7. Yup. All the time.

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Quote's from Vader talking to Boba Fett. [/ubernerd]


1. Have you ever died in a dream?

Nope, but that would be really interesting...


2. Has a song ever made you tear up?

Yes, actually a couple. They didn't do it after the first couple plays though.


3. Have you memorized over 100 songs yet?

I think so, it's possible I've memorized 200! I like memorizing my songs...


4. Did you just lose the game?

I lose... I just thought of it! D=


5. What's your favorite song?

Absolutely NO idea. Good chance it's a Tally Hall song, I love that band.


6. D'you see any connection between being a spy, skateboarding, and a black raincoat?

I can see several possibilities, but I'm not sure which is the right answer.


7. Have you ever done something just to see if it hurts?






~ :a: :t:

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