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Dark Chapter Of My Life

Spoony Bard


There are a lot of things that people don't know about me, and only a select few of people actually know me and the things I have been through. And I want to share my life's secrets.


The point of this entry is to confess the very thing that plagues my life: Depression. I have been suffering from depression since I was five years old. The cause has never been defined, since it can be a mix of things such as the car accident I was in when I was two, or repressed memories of my parents separation form when I was a baby, or perhaps it is genetic despite only a couple members of my family suffer from bipolar.


When I was growing up, I was not the "cool" kid of the group. I was always picked on by my brother and classmates. Because of this, I had a hard time socializing with anyone. I did not ever have friends until approx. ten years later. I simply hated my life because I was never accepted. I also had some anger problems which were caused from the damage I received from the car accident.


I started taking therapy and medication right around the time I was 14, and this was an on/off thing with me since I never liked therapy nor medication in the first place. I was never the guy to just open up and tell some guy what is on my mind so he can tell my parents later. And yes, I was thinking about killing myself as well, but I never followed through.


When I turned 16, I started getting my life straightened out, and it was a great change for me and my family noticed some differences. But deep down, I know I will never be rid of it, and I will never be happy with myself.


However my time of peace was at an end when I went to college in fall of 2005. In October, a good friend of mine was killed. And because my school was so overwhelming, my grades started to slip. I was in pieces. Anyone who saw me would say "Shilo, you look horrible, what happened?" I remember calling Black Six once and was like "I can't even do it".I was locked in the bathroom, broken down in tears (Yes I cry, who cares). My friends were trying to talk to me, and I just shooed them away.


When I returned to school next semester, I was a wreck and I was at the point of just ending it all. And I did. In the final week of January 2006, I attempted to kill myself and I went through the whole thing. I will not say how I did it, but I will say that if no one found me passed out on the floor, I wouldn't be here to this day. I was wheeled out of the dorm and was sent to the hospital immediately and then was sent to a hospital near my home overnight. For one week, I was on suicide watch in this psychiatric ward, until I was brought home by my parents. I was kicked out of school (boy was that a fun process). And to make things worse, another friend of mine who I held closely to my heart died as well. And to you BZPer's, you would know this is the first time I stepped down from the staff (Toaraga was my replacement). I only stepped down because I felt I needed some time to fix myself up, and Bionicle Rex told me to take all the time I need. You guys have no idea how nice he is, as is Black Six.


After going through a good year of therapy and medication, I was like "no more". I don't want a life on constant medication and therapy and people watching my back in case I grabbed a knife. I swore I will never do it, and it is a scary thing.


To those kids who want to assume they know everything about me, you don't. All you ever assumed was that I was a bad person just because of my position I held here on BZP. To those who like making fun of people, well I tell you this. Stop it. You can say it is a joke and to not be taken seriously, but you know what, there are those who are sensitive to things and you need to respect them, cuz otherwise you will be responsible for their next action in life.




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Well, I hope everything eventually gets better, Omi. Sounds like you've had a tough life, but there's a silver lining to every cloud, right? :)


-Nuju Metru

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Wow, Omi. I never knew that you had this happen to you.


I too have suffered from depression and on top of that I have a form of Autism called Asperger's. Mine was caused not only by a chemical imbalance, but by my Sixth Grade History Teacher. He said some nasty stuff to me. I had been in the advanced classes for Math and English, and he picked me and the other advanced students apart. I took the brunt of the attacks. He absolutely destroyed me. I was at the point of suicide when my parents realized who was at fault for my behavior. They pulled me out of the Public School system, and put me into Homeschooling for the rest of the school year. I would return to the School System for Junior High the next year only to have the same thing happen to me from a different History teacher. Again I was pulled from Public Schools after the principal threatened to have me sent to an Asylum for my violent outbursts. That was when I thought things were turning around for me. I gained popularity for who I was. That was shattered when I moved across the country. I have finally built up my friendships to where I have a Girlfriend, I have good teachers at College, I'm finally successful.


I just hope that none of us has to go through something that bad again.


Good luck, Omi.



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Omi, I've never dealt with this myself, but someone very close to me has, and from what I know, talking about it is the best thing. :)


Your conclusion is immensely important too -- people think it's not serious when they do hurtful things, or they think they are somehow justified in it or that it's not their problem if people can't take it -- they are wrong on all three counts. IMO.


Edit: Actually, you know, there HAVE been times when I've been close to this, and I guess I just was able to talk about it early and deal with and suchnot so that it never got that far. Once you know what is the weakness you personally have -- and everybody has at least one -- you can figure out how to overcome it. :)

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Omi, that's terrible. I can't say I know what any of that feels like, but I can say I respect you. You pulled through, and are still here today. That is an accomplishment. I live with Type 1 Diabetes everyday, and I can tell you, living with anything that effects you everyday sucks.


I'm glad you are still around.

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Been there dude. At least people actually cared about you... my dad never did. I was abused when I was little and I still am today. For no reason.


Thank God I've pulled it together with friends. I still cut myself occasionally, but I guess my depression will never cease either. Best of luck.

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Glad to hear you're doing better. Just remember that you do have friends here. For the longest time I thought you were (And still do) one of the coolest people on BZP. Keep up being you and don't let anyone tear you down.



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Hey Shilo. Hang in there dude. I love you <3


And I look forward to hanging out with you again this summer, okie? ^^

Yeah, I do look forward to playing the part of host for the front half of a weekend. :D

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And good to hear that you're recovering.

Lets just say that when you last saw me, that was my shining point. :D

Wow, Omi. I never knew that you had this happen to you.

Not many ever do. And sorry for what that teacher did to you.

Thank God I've pulled it together with friends. I still cut myself occasionally, but I guess my depression will never cease either. Best of luck.

Should replace that blade and arm with something else like a pen and paper. May not cure you, but sure doesn't make a mess. :)


I love you. Totally, man.


And always will. <3

I love you Mr. Big. :P


Hey Shilo. Hang in there dude. I love you <3


And I look forward to hanging out with you again this summer, okie? ^^



Also, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutch. :)


Hey man, I know it's been rough, but just remember all the good memories that are still to come. :)

We've only just scratched the surface of awesome times to come.

Yeah, I do look forward to playing the part of host for the front half of a weekend. :D

And I look forward to making a toast during the weekend. :P



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I've been studying a lot of psychotherapy and after reading through your post I'd say that stepping down from your position was a good idea if you feel you still have some recovering to do. It’s also a good thing that you show a lot of interest to be independent from the meds and all I can say is that I really hope for that best for you.

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I'd say that stepping down from your position was a good idea if you feel you still have some recovering to do.

Yeah that was back then though. I left this time around because, yeah.



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Hey Shilo, this took some guts to get of your chest. Hang in there, man.


This summer will be awesome, and things will always get better. I love you, man!



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Man, that must be horrible. Just a couple of days ago, I felt really depressed, and felt like I wanted to kill myself too (I don't know why, I just did). I couldn't pull my mind away from the fact that there were really sharp knives in the kitchen draw, and I could have used them on me right there, right then. It felt horrible.


But if you can leave past events behind and try to enjoy your life, you can achieve that. I have memories I wish never happened, and I always leave them behind.


AZBlue, I have Asperger's Syndrome too! It does make me feel depressed at times, but I always find ways to cheer myself up.

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Ouch. As usual I disagree with you a bit, but it's not even a sentence, the rest I agree with wholeheartedly. Let me just say I'm glad someone found you passed out; BZP wouldn't be the same without you.

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I had a few suspicions, but I never figured it'd be like this.


We may have disagreed a lot before, but I'm starting to have a lot more respect for ya, and this only made it bigger. It's people like you who [help] keep me strong when I'm the one going though crisis in my own life.



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Well, if I said I have never been depressed I'd be lying. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have a problem all your life.


Thank God that someone found you before you died.


All I hope is for you to have a better life from now one.



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Hey, man. Your number one admirer here.


I've always found it fun to be around you. I am not the person to talk about for depression, but I can tell you this, I am very, very, very happy you are here.



Maybe we can hang out sometime?

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Things like this have happened to me before, I'm going to have to say, but I really would rather not talk about it...

Anyway, I hope that things work out for you, mate. Good luck. :)

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