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This old camera I've had lying in my room for a while still had photos left in the film after 3 years. So, I quickly took some snaps to use it all up and finally get them developed. Now you're probably aware how hard it is to develop film from cameras these days, as alot of people have moved on to digital. So yeah, had to wait a while, but finally got them, and I was surprised to find what was on there. In particular photos from a Band Camp to Sydney in 2006 and photos in 2005 of some really quite strange character things, that all except the fourth one are Dark Hunters (I'm sure some will recognise the fourth is Phyoohrii, and is the first ever picture of him) (and the last I have never used in BDH because it sucked so bad). And yes, you cannot go back once you've got digital, because those photos are nothing on digital.


The Twenty-First Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Orient Expedition, Star Wars, Sports, Designer Kits, BIONICLE and Discovery. It is December 2003.

Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16

N.B. Still wrong pages, plagued us all year. How could they not realise there was a problem for 12 whole months?


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