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The Tuesday Five 9/26/06



It's my blog, right? And I can pretty much do what I want with it, right? Well, good.


I think from now on on Tuesdays, I'll have 5 general questions for you guys to answer. "The Tuesday Five." My mom has a similar thing on a message board she's on, so I thought, "What the heck," and decided to steal the idea. :P


And now... this week's Tuesday Five!

  • How many times per day do you get on BZP?

  • When was the last time you had a nightmare?

  • What kind of hair do you have?

  • What was your most recent canister set?

  • Do you dream in black & white or in color?


Recommended Comments

1.Too much

2.Last night,about an Emu running around with a persons head in it's mouth.

3.Black and short

4.Barakki Takadox

5.Color,all it has is blood.

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1. Depends. Maybe 50, maybe 3...

2. Last night. It was the world falling apart due to nuclear


3. My hair.

4. Exo M7

5. I dream in OmiVision, thank you very much.

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1. At least 3 times per day.

2. A long time ago, I can't remember when.

3. Shoulder length brownish-blonde hair.

4. Hahli, I think.

5. Color.

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  • How many times per day do you get on BZP?=20
  • When was the last time you had a nightmare?=2 years ago
  • What kind of hair do you have?Brown
  • What was your most recent canister set?Zaktan
  • Do you dream in black & white or in color?Color
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1. To much

2. Nightmares? A long time ago, or have I had any...and if I have I forgot about them.

3. Dark Brown.

4. Kotoro?

5. Color, I think. I can only remember about 5 or 6 dreams that I have ever had.

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The following comment

has recieved the offical Sporky Seal of Approval. =D


1. YOUR FAT! once or twice

2. YOUR FAT! Can't remember

3. YOU'RE FAT! Black and lots of it

4. YOUR FAT IS DUPE! Hahli Inika 'tis my last opened

5. Colour. What do you think I am, a dog or something?


Eh, you Americans and your crazy spellings. And you call

it 'english'.


I dare you to highlight my post.


That's "color," foo'. =O


Colour. I'm english. You know, where the engligh language comes from =$


Fine, you're a Brit. It's still color. :P

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The following comment

has recieved the offical Sporky Seal of Approval. =D


-Don't know

-When I dreamt Marshmellow Teddy Bears invaded my house

-Sorta half long

-Piraka Avak

-Infared vision


SPORKTASTIC EDIT: It's marshmallow. XD



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Why not.


How many times per day do you get on BZP? About 5


When was the last time you had a nightmare? I don't dream


What kind of hair do you have? A funky fauxhawk :P


What was your most recent canister set? Ummm.....well....I just bought the Piraka Outpost today, but that's a box...hmmm....I have ALL the '06 sets...the last one I got was....Matoro I think.


Do you dream in black & white or in color? umm....purple.

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The following comment

has recieved the offical Sporky Seal of Approval. =D


Oooooo I love these! :D


1. None of your buisness!


2. None of your buisness!


3. None of your buisness!


4. None of your buisness!


5. YOUR FAT and None of your buisness!


~ :kakamanu: ~

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1) Alot. 2 hours per day. Max.

2) Umm... something about Winnie the Pooh dressed like a vampire. And he was gigantic and terrirorising a volcano-sporting village. And I lived in a hollow rock and the volcano erupted. Then the bats came...

3) Blond/Brown. But if I'm out in the sun alot, it turns bright white for some strange reason...

4) Matoro and Kongu

5) It depends... usually color, unless it's another nightmare about Exo dancing in the top hat from NN's Eggmu dance. Ggggggggh... :wacko:





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It changes


A long time ago




Matau Hordika :unsure:





I haven't got a canister for so long

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1. Varies greatly. Anywhere from None to Many.

2. Can't remember. Waking up this morning was a

nightmare though, remembering the dream

I just had before.

3. The best.

4. Hewkii. Not that it's a canister anymore. Those

things are like, the Hummers of the Bionicle

universe. Hahli: "But Jaller, I thought we were

supposed to save the environment!" Jaller: "I'm

not freakin' Captain Planet."

5. People dream in black & white??


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How many times per day do you get on BZP? Between 1 and 3 times a day. I also open over twenty web pages of BZP almost everytime I go on, so, I guess it could be between 20 and 40 times a day.


When was the last time you had a nightmare? I dunno... maybe last night? I don't remember my dreams that much.


What kind of hair do you have? Long, light brown hair.


What was your most recent canister set? Hahli Inika


Do you dream in black & white or in color? color, for sure



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How many times per day do you get on BZP?


Um... never sure?


When was the last time you had a nightmare?


Um... Can't remember?


What kind of hair do you have?


Um... I need to check a mirror?


What was your most recent canister set?


Um... that guy?


Do you dream in black & white or in color?


Um... I forget the last time I had a dream?



I hope this was very informative. :)

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How many times per day do you get on BZP?


At least this time right?


When was the last time you had a nightmare?


Last night when I wet the bed. :(


What kind of hair do you have?




What was your most recent canister set?


Pohatu Nuva.




Do you dream in black & white or in color?


What is 'color'?


~ :kakamanu: ~

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* How many times per day do you get on BZP?

Depends upon whether you consider "Well, BZP's on a tab, but I'm really off doing something completely different" to be "getting on" BZP. In which case ALL DAY EVERY SINGLE DAY.

* When was the last time you had a nightmare?

I don't remember. I guess it's because every single one of my dreams has a thin layer of completey disturbing, but nothing absolutely terrifying. Every so often I wake up with existential angst and I didn't even read anything particularly existentialist before bed.

* What kind of hair do you have?

Short, hip and dyed bright and rediculous red. My hair is for the win.

* What was your most recent canister set?

A Barraki of some sort.

* Do you dream in black & white or in color?

I dream in emotion, taste and text. So yes. Color, but not on the visible light spectrum.

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