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Lego Star Wars Ate My Brain!



Having an obsessive-compulsive personality can really suck up your free time, y'know?


Ever since I picked up LSW2, I've spent most of my time playing it. At this rate, I won't have any mocs ready for NWBC. My kids are PO'd that Daddy is hogging all the video game time. Blah blah blah. Whadevah. Talk to the hand, squirts.


I've gotten through the "story" mode, and am working my way through the Free Play mode, collecting all the goodies and building up my stud count. EpIV is done, except for the bonus and one stinkin' canister on the first level. I even bought a guide to help me through, but it doesn't have any maps (I wouldn't have bought it had I realized that) and the text is teensy - not good for my old eyes.


At this rate, I'll be finished with it just in time to tear away for the convention weekend. But at the cost of not doing anything else.


Who needs a clean house anyway? O_O :blink:


The same thing happened with the first LSW game - bloodshot eyes, staying up waaaaay too late, ignoring most everything else until the bloody thing is conquered. The first time it happened, with the Marathon series by Bungee, my wife about divorced me. So I'm not allowed casual video game time.


(Actually, I've spent quite a bit of time playing multiplayer with the kids, so that's good. They don't really have any room to complain, especially since they're better and faster at it than I am.)


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People, Bink is very wise. Not because he is old, because he understands that LSW needs to be OWNED before life is complete. It's so friggin addicting...and everything looks so...chibi...*goes to play demo again*

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Binky, you wanna have some fun? Go find some power bricks until you get Invencibility and Super Ewok Catapult. Put them on and go on an angry teddy bear rampage!!!

It's fun ^.^


~GN (Y)

Me like. I'll try that.


I bought Ghost Obi-Wan, which rocks... if your companion's a droid, the stormtroopers completely ignore you, even as you slaughter them by the dozens.

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I've gotten through the "story" mode, and am working my way through the Free Play mode, collecting all the goodies and building up my stud count. EpIV is done, except for the bonus and one stinkin' canister on the first level.


I'm still stuck on the canisters, but the bonus brick is somewhere relatively easy to find. If I remember where it was, I'll let you know :)


Anyway, what percent are you on? -Swert

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I'm still stuck on the canisters, but the bonus brick is somewhere relatively easy to find. If I remember where it was, I'll let you know :)


Anyway, what percent are you on? -Swert

I think I've got the bonus brick on that level, just need that bloody canister. I've got something like 57.5% complete.

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Well, I happened to have found one in the area just after you open the field with C-3PO. You use force on that first 2 rows of force-lit levers on your guy's left, which unlock a room with a Canister.


It's my personal 9th, not sure if you found this one or not, it's just a thought.


Meantime, I'm personally stuck on the Battle for Endor... I keep running into minor glitches in the generator building. >_< I'll get it down, I have faith. -Swert


edit: Found my 10th minikit piece. When you build a vehicle, drive it to the room with the crane, and drive it up onto that platform which goes up. It'll activate above your head. With luck, either of these is the one you're missing. -Swert

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That kit had me stumped for a while, but I finally worked it out. Okay, so I asked in the official LSW topic, but whatever.


Well, I'm approximately 96% through the game. Because I rock like that. Anyways, I just have a couple of minikit special levels to do (ESB and ROTJ) and ROTJ Super Story to do (which I gave up on when the droids wouldn't go and press the buttons on the other half of the gate section on Endor...), and I still haven't got around to getting ghost Obi-Wan yet. I also need a few more extras, most of them being the score multipliers. I've been taking my time, and so I'm up to 30 hours gameplay.


I should get a job or something...


So yeah. And I'm pretty proud that I didn't use a guide at all. :)

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That kit had me stumped for a while, but I finally worked it out. Okay, so I asked in the official LSW topic, but whatever.



and I still haven't got around to getting ghost Obi-Wan yet.
Ghost Obi-Wan rocks the Empire. Really. Well worth those million studs.


So yeah. And I'm pretty proud that I didn't use a guide at all. :)
I have no shame. Whatever it takes.


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