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Advertisement-tiranak's Book One Oas.



I'm am glad and happy to annouce and advertize for my good friend Tiranak-A.K.A-~ZMOG~ His first Epic of Book One: Of All Sangheili. Please Enjoy reading, please post maturely. Thank you. ^_^


And now without further a'duo- I write his epic's chapter's here.


This is my first attempt at an epic, so C&C is much appreciated.



Ziglak studied the other Sangheili that was called forward to the stand.

He was an average height, 6"8, and was wearing Zealot Armour.

"These DeathKnights of his have poisened the minds of my Clan against me and my realatives, those of my Clan who remain!" he shouted, guesturing at Ziglak.



Ziglak, the Sangheili (who was named Rshuy' Rejadee) and the Elite High council were all located in Truth's court as this occured.

The matter was about several of Ziglak's DeathKnight warrirors apprently talked Rshuy's Clan into betraying him.

Ziglak personally thought this to be a punishment for him, considering the statement Ziglak was about to make.



"You may be seated for the moment," Truth told Rshuy. "Ziglak, please come foward."

Ziglak did as told and stepped foward.


"Zealot, or Rshuy' Rejadee, as your name is, have you not thought of this to be a permitted retaliation against you?" Ziglak began. "After all, it was you who was found to be owner of plans to attempt to assinate my forces Generals and bring them down, was it not?"


The other Sangheili then rebutted, "Since when has it been that I was found to be owner of these so called "plans"?"

"Oh, just now," Ziglak stated, just before a screening of a survalience video was screened.


It had shown Reshuy and several other Elites in a room with one singular table with the individuals discussing the written plans and how they would accomplished the tasked required to pull it off.


Ziglak then diverted his glance toward Rshuy.


"You will pay for this dearly," he said, moving his arm toward the hilt of his Energy Sword.


"Guards, please monitor the Zealot," Truth ordered, viewing Rshuy's movements.

The guards did as told.


"My Phrophet of Truth, I would suggest accusing this tratior to our holy Covenant of Treason and attempted murder, due to the fact that I am his superior as the Arbiter Selector," Ziglak offered.


"I will take those exact actions Ziglak' Xar' Variokee. Rshuy' Rejadee, you are scentenced to prison for a yet to be decided amount of time to the DeathKnight keep. Guards, please escort him there," Truth ordered.

"Gladly your holyness," one of the Honour Guards stated, then taking him away.



This was very unfortunate for Rshuy, as Ziglak would come around every month and ask him to cough up the plans. And when he didn't, he was stabbed with a spear once each of those 30-31 days until he did as planned.

Ziglak merely looked him as someone with unfortunate luck, and felt no wrong or sorrow for what he did.



After the Court had come to an agreed verdict, Ziglak would be called to the Prophets to be told of something that would change the Covenant forever.


End Chapter.


Chapter 1: The Search

After Ziglak had accused Rshuy and sent him to an eternity of injustice, he went with the Prophets, as advised, or, more accurately, ordered.


When they Reached their destination, Ziglak took a few seconds to waste viewing the area.

It was typical Covenant Achitecture, Purple walls and the same coloured ceiling, with a pink-ish floor, walkways spread along it's centre.

Although, there were a few things that set it apart from other sections of High Charity.

First, and most obvious, was the amount of Honour Guards defending the area. Secondly, was the Incriate Patterns along the walls, plus the Thrones, which were also things that weren't usual. And Thirdly, it had Light Purple glowing around the place, on the massive Spike Formations, and on the two Massive Doors, the glow forming itself as a Shield with the Head of a Pike.


"Welcome to our new Sanctum Ziglak' Xar' Variokee," Regret welcomed.


Ziglak snorted under his breath.

He only trusted, serived and worshiped Truth.

He wasn't called Truth for an absent reason.


"We have a misson for you that will truely test your courage and determination Ziglak, but will more test your loyalty to the Covenant. Still though, it is extremly urgent," Truth told Ziglak.


"And that would be your holiness?" Ziglak asked.


"We have found another Human civilisation. They have been... experimenting with training, or let's say, creating Super Soldiers. They planet must Fall Immediatly," Truth explained.


"How many Human Ships defend this Planet?" Ziglak asked.


"150," Truth told him.


"I will need a fleet of 100 to-"


"You are to link up with several Zealot Fleet Commanders and aid them. You will be supplied with 30 Ships," Truth told Ziglak.


"A fair ration my Holy Master," Ziglak stated, bowing.


"Now, Arbiter Selector, be off, and take your Death Knight Generals and Majors with you!their Planet will fall!" Truth exlaimed.


Ziglak then left the building to meet with these Zealots.



It wasn't long before he found a satisfactory amount the next day.

He had three Zealot Fleet Commanders:

Tekit' Washumee, Quawtr' Sulomee and Yushv' Fikaxee


He had ventured in a Spirit to find Zealots able for the job in Ships leading the seemingly infinite amounts of Fleets guarding High Charity.


First he'd encountered a Zealot who seemed yoo power hungry.

As this is what he said once Ziglak told him about the plans:

"I will kill every last one of them and gain my position as leader of all fleets."


Ziglak replied to this:

"Stop dreaming and start living this war, or just die."


Of course, it wasn't long before he met some sensible Zealots. After all, most of them were fine.


Although, when he was about to aquire his third voulenteer, he ran into an Ultra who had a Carrier and was willing to help.

We was let help because they'd need alot of room because most of the Covenant Destroyers and Fighting ships were controled by AI, as it wasn't worth losing soldiers to Human ships if the were going to invade and kill every last one of those parastites on the planet.


Soon, he'd found the men he needed, and they loaded their massive waves of men into the Carriers and set off to destroy the Humans and their planet.




Please review and post here


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That was awesome, Chané! Some capitalazation (<- Sp?) was a little off, but overall, I liked it a lot. :)

This is my epic, you do realise? Thanks for the CC anyways. :)

Thanks for posting the first two parts ~ES~.

And finally, I do realise I made numerous errors when wrote this (that includes capialazation), but it wasn't on purpose (I had a really bad keypad on my former computer at the time (got new one now))

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