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I'm Mad



December 24, 2008

I'm absolutely positively furious. Disgusted. FURIOUS.

See, on a different forum I use/moderate, I started doing these gifts, one for each day until Christmas, twelve gifts total. For the last gift that we released today, my sister and I made a song. Then these DISGUSTING, DESPICABLE, IDIOTIC members started dissing it, practically made my sister cry...

But I won't let them ruin my Christmas. So I quit.

Not exactly an easy thing to do for me--I loved that forum...so I'm pretty emotional atm.


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Why quit? If you have power, you can punish them. Write them back and tell them to shut up. They won't care. You'll get away with it - this is the INTERNET! I've destroyed somebody's site before because they aggravated me long enough.


Okay, on a bit lighter note of punishment, just suspend them for a day or two and tell them not to start criticizing people for no reason. If it continues, prolong the suspension.


Just try that.

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Why quit? If you have power, you can punish them. Write them back and tell them to shut up. They won't care. You'll get away with it - this is the INTERNET! I've destroyed somebody's site before because they aggravated me long enough.


Okay, on a bit lighter note of punishment, just suspend them for a day or two and tell them not to start criticizing people for no reason. If it continues, prolong the suspension.


Just try that.


I got over it. I was just really fed up with the guy; no matter what, he always complained. My friend KD convinced me to stay and that he was just jealous that I had things he didn't, and my friend Jazz banned him for three days to straighten up his act. xD


I did come back and tell him to shut up, but he just kept going on...and on...and on. And I couldn't suspend him because it would seem like I was just taking it personally and would give him more reason to complain.


I'm just glad JazzDawg did it for me. :lol:


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That sounded like a wonderful forum. I would've cussed them out, found a way to spam their forum REALLY BAD, then left. :lol:


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