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Stuff I Gave / The Aweshum Stuffs



Edit: I can't believe I forgot to say what I gave to people! Argh, I feel so self-centered now...

  • Mom: Me and my brother pooled our resources (By our, I mean mine :P ) and got her this really nice glass leaf... thing. It's about a foot long, and we got some scented candles (Oh, how she loves those) and some marble bead leaf-shaped things to put in the big leaf. I know it's hard to picture. :lookaround: She liked it though, so we were happy.
  • Dad: My dad has always been hard to buy for, and every year I know what I got him wasn't what he really wanted. This year though, I was happy with what I got him: "Gentlemen, This is a Football," is a hilarious book with quotes from football players and coaches. He was laughing before he opened the book. XD
  • Brother: The Indiana Jones Jungle Duel set. He LOVED it. I'm so glad I got it for him.
  • Niece & Nephew: A rubber truck that makes noise for my nephew, and an ABC Turtle for my neice. Apparently she carries it around everywhere now. :D
Unfortunately, since I hardly had enough money for my immediate family (Besides niece & nephew), I couldn't get much else. I was hoping I could get my best friend something, but I'd already given him $10 for his birthday last month...




So I got some really great stuff this year:

  • Dwarves' Mine (A bit smaller than I thought, but still awesome. Lots of good pieces. =D )
  • Indiana Jones Motorcycle Chase (Finally got Indy!)
  • Rebel Trooper Battle Pack (Which is nice, 'cause I already have one. Building my army. =P )
  • Republic Attack Shuttle (Awesomeness in a box, right there)
  • Rogue Shadow (This one's a lot better than it looks. Nice functions.)
  • Barnes & Noble Girftcard ($25)
  • Lego Star Wars Tee
  • $20 from my Aunt
  • $30 (Thanks Sis!)
  • Candy / Gum in my stocking
Pictures to come later. =D


Hope you guys are having a great Christmas! :xmas:




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Heh. It really doesn't seem like that much in person, but I guess it is...


Um... haha. Hahaha.



Argh, what's with all these people getting more than me?! =P


Well, I do have two brothers, and I also forgot to get out my wishlist until AFTER everyone finished shopping for me. >>


~ :a: :t:

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Wow, that's a lot, of both giving and getting.


Want that Dwarve's mine set so bad.


What T-shirt?


I only got Rockoh, Tahu and pants. .-.

But they're awesome, especially the comfy pants. :P


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Wow, that's a lot, of both giving and getting.


Want that Dwarve's mine set so bad.


What T-shirt?


I only got Rockoh, Tahu and pants. .-.

But they're awesome, especially the comfy pants. :P


[-The Alchemyst-]

I feel like I should've gotten more people gifts, though... :(


Yes, yes you do.


Um, it's an Old Trilogy one. I've never seen it before, though.


My brother has Rockoh; it's pretty sweet.




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