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Turaga Dlakii


Well, I still remain undecided as to whether or not I'll continue buying Bionicle stuff in 2009 (with the obvious exception of hunting down older sets). I have - and please don't shoot me for saying this - warmed up to the Glatorian and Agori for the most part, but I still hate the titan sets. On one hand, some of the Glatorian look really good, and Vorox is tempting for the sheer TANness of it all. Also, those new unbent Hordika necks are sheer WANT.

Having said that, I'm still not sure (mainly because of Malum, Strakk and the titans), and having (accidentally) seen leaked images (accidentally meaning when some people were stupid enough to post them here), I'm immensely apprehensive about continuing to purchase stuff for another year. I mean, it's the end of the Matoran Universe story, so what better time to jump off?


We'll see how things go.


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I seriously dislike the titans too.


I'm going to keep this years budget as small as I can.

But it depends on how the Summer sets look, especially the titans; those will take a huge chunk out of my non-existent money.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Agori are fail, Glatorian are WIN.

Including Malum, but only for the lulz of the elbow-mounted launcher.

Vorox is awesome, as are Skrall and Tarix.

No word on Strakk or Gresh yet, cuz I didn't get either of those for christmas. :P
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*shoots you*

Get Vorox. You know you want to.

...And Zesk. I just got him, and if you build him a slightly different way, he looks way better than the not-so-interesting "official version".

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