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Dark Knight Dilemma

Nuju Metru


My 9-year old brother wants to see the Dark Knight. While I'm extremely proud (Being the one to give him Joker Fever :P), it's waaay to scary for him, and my dad won't let him see it. Now, he's really mad and frustrated. :(


Anyone have any advice for things I can do to make him feel better about missing out?


-Nuju Metru


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Or take a bunch of screenshots from it and make a video of you narrating it sped up to 3x normal speed with a bunch of chatspeak.


It worked for SPIRIT.

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You could find some of the old Batman cartoons with the Joker in them and show those to him...


Or you could show him the older movie with him in it, but I haven't seen that one, so I don't know how scary it is.

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Or take a bunch of screenshots from it and make a video of you narrating it sped up to 3x normal speed with a bunch of chatspeak.


It worked for SPIRIT.

That should work.


-Agent 692

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Swede it.


It worked in Be Kind, Rewind!



I am currently writing a story version that's main plot is the same, but is less violent. You can have it to read to your Brother

(If i rated it i'd say PG (parental guidance) for mild violence (Bullet Deaths etc.)

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