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A Near Death Experience

Roa McToa


I went on a wood gathering mission with one of my friends yesterday. All was going well enough when I got there, other than the first dead tree that was cut did not come down, so there was a danger looming from above the whole time. We got a shorter stump cut up into rounds, and split for hauling off. Then, My friend spotted another tree that he could cut down to make the tree that was hung up fall, but due to an improper cut, this tree fell opposite the way it was supposed to, in consequence coming straight for me.


I ran back as fast as I could, but tripped on a stump, hitting square on my shoulder, and knocking my head hard enough to see stars. I had curled instinctively into a fetal position just as the leviathan came crashing down not two feet from where I was laying. If my legs had been straight instead of curled, they would have been crushed underneath the weight of the tree, and I probably would have either been seriously maimed or killed.


Either way, I feel like I have gotten a mild concussion from the fall, and am feeling rather sore and headachy. If I continue to feel this badly, I may have to go and see Abhud this week for some therapy.


All in all, the effort was not fruitless, and we both got a full haul of wood, but almost at a very dear cost.


I am lucky to not have gotten seriously hurt. It is a lesson I will never forget.


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Oh dear lord, those trees are crazy sometimes! I got hit by a huge tree once and had to be rushed to the hospital. And then another time a tree fell like... a few feet away from me in the woods.


Scary stuff.


I'm so glad you're doing okay... I'm sorry about the bad headbang though, that hurts. X_o

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This tree was so bi around, that it would have definitely crushed me to death if it had landed upon me. It had to be a minimum of 40 inches diameter near the bottom.

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Why would you run straight back...?

It seems to be an earth-inhabitant instinct. Every known creature does it. :P


Well, at least your still here.

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Why would you run straight back...?



Let's knock a tree down on you and see how it goes... :P



Glad to hear you're okay, Roa.

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Why would you run straight back...?



Let's knock a tree down on you and see how it goes... :P



Glad to hear you're okay, Roa.

Hahaha, funny

It's good to hear your okay.

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Why would you run straight back...?


the tree was twisting toward me, falling in a hard to predict pattern. I ran away from it, not following the path of fall, but it kept twisting towards me. Its a matter of acting as fast as you can in a state of a high speed adrenaline rush. It all happened so fast. :o


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O o Woah... That would've scared the living heck out of me. You should've ran to the left or right, to avoid the tree. Well, atleast your safe. ^_^



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:blink: Evil tree... I bet 20 euros that if you ran around the tree would've followed you... It probably would've fallen on you still if you ran left. :lol: Be safe; stay away the trees. They obviously want to kill you... ^_^
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