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A New Year, A New Limit Crossed

The Escape Artist


So, 2009 has started. Happy New Year everyone. Been a long time since I have blogged. I hope all of you had your New Year start off better than mine.


Anyways, not much worse could possibly happen this New Year. Its amazing, I am just amazed at how low our society has stooped. I've seen and been part of some pretty horrible things, but this is a new all time low that I have just seen.


Its sickening, that sums it up. Here I am, in a society that is in a free fall, and not a single person is striving to make a change for the better. And no, I am not talking about the economy. I am talking about people.


People that take in the pleasure of physically, emotionally, and mentally wrecking innocent people, who have done nothing wrong in their life, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It makes me disgusted seeing how our world has come to this.


Depraved individuals ruining the life that we hold dear, ruining people's dreams, plans, hopes. I am tired of no immediate action being taken to make the change in order to discourage and prevent such things from happening.


But I see that no one gives a care in the world. Nothing is being done to make a difference. So the way I see it, if no one is taking up against the fight of such an immoral, soulless, heartless, and twisted group of people, then I will.


Because I am tired of seeing loved ones being emotionally, mentally, and physically abused. I hate waiting for something to be done, only to see nothing is done.


The only way anything can be done the way you want it is if you take it upon yourself. And now I realize that, I realize what I must do in order to make a difference in this world. To eradicate such a depraved society that has hit rock bottom.


I am in a world where I can only trust my loved ones, which is very few, and myself. And my loved ones are being hurt. Its unacceptable and I will not stand for it any longer. Everything that I am will finally be put to use. Everything that I raised and taught myself to be will finally be tested.


Prasits(Scrambled word) No More.










I will fight until my dying breath to see what was done to Becca to be brought to justice. The way it needs to be done. Because no one else will do it.


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I feel for you, Mike. That's horrible! )=
I wish I had something better to say... D=
Here's hoping you get through this, and learn to forgive but never forget.
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I like the fire in you.

Just don't let it burn yourself out.

You're taking on something that's done mostly in secret. There's going to be more losses than successes.


Be mentally prepared for that.


Likewise, if you ever get to a point where fighting such a thing is a daily affair, be prepared for long-fought successes to be turned into impossibly bitter defeats by judges.


EDIT: And try to keep things legal if you know what I mean.

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Oddly enough, I was just in a situation where someone I just met told about her sister's terrible, traumatic experience of the same thing. It's the closest the issue has ever come to me personally, and I have to say even just talking about it with a near-stranger who's seen the effect on her loved one and her family was emotionally difficult for me.


I can't begin to imagine the depth and intensity of what you're feeling. Seriously, the most violated I've felt is when my backpack was stolen from the family car in a parking lot years ago. Small beans, sure, but it's the feeling that something of value has been taken from you, through no fault of your own, just because of someone else's twisted morals and disregard for others, and there was nothing you could do about it -- it really sucks.


The real tragedy about this sickening type of crime, even more so in my country than in America, is that it's not taken seriously enough at all by the so-called "justice" system. There's no accounting for the lives utterly devastated, virtually no support for the victims. It truly is an uphill battle to see any kind of real justice done. And that just goes on top of the battle for recovery.


You, Becca, and all those affected by this are in my prayers tonight.


<o> <o>

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Dang...this is beyond sick and twisted.


I hope poetic justice is dished out to that man.


I wish the absolute best for the both of you and those affected.

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