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I'm An Illegal Alien.



It's true :D


Last year we went to the great falls and CROSSED over to Canada! OMG I WAS SCARED! The gates had guards with MACHEAN GUNS! SHOT GUNS! So much firepower! That and it was a mistake that we crossed..but the workers in the Canada customs department understood and lets us go. I even got a free cookie.


It was fun, scary and made Gunnar try to sneak off with a shotgun o.o


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I'd call the cops on you if I were Canadian. But if I were Canadian, I would be an illegal alien myself seeing as I'm in the US right now.
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Don't Canada and the US have some sort of open-border agreement?


Seems to me (at least here) that the BIG problem with illegals is them coming in from Mexico.

It's rather easy to tell who's illegal, actually.





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Well what happen was we wanted to see the falls on the American side. But because no one thought to bring a map we ended up stopping at a diner and asking the way. All they said was "Go on strait."


We did.


We went strait all the way that they forgot to tell us to TURN at the Rainbow Bridge to go see the Falls on the American side. We crossed the bridge >.<

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Nice story here, but I know the truth! I got your hints. You are an illegal alien literary! Your a martian from space. People say that I'm crazy, BUT WHO'S THE CRAZY ONE NOW!?! HA-HA-HA!


... I didn't take my medicine today.


You are not an illegal alien. You were a tourist. An illegal alien is where you sneak into a country and try to live there.


P.S.: The cookie is a lie.

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