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Turaga Dlakii



Just give me some time to get up to speed on various stuff, K? I'm still really tired from sitting in the car for about 14 hours. In the meantime, some thoughts:

  • What is this 'drought' of which the Australian government speaks? Everything in South Australia was ridiculously green.
  • It is a CRIME that they don't sell honey-flavoured ice cream anywhere but in South Australia.
  • There's a seriously epic LEGO shop in Adelaide, which stocks sets from as far back as the '80s! For the record, that's where I got my Tunnel Transporter early last year.
  • The narrator of those new Glatorian films on BIONICLE.com makes my ears bleed, as do his pronunciations. Also, "Glatorians"? That sounds so lame.
  • Screw Bionicle; LEGO Star Wars is the epic now. I NEED that AT-TE set.
  • A film's awesomeness is magnified with special features on the DVD.


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Wait, what, you went to Adelaide? Oh darn, I'm going there tomorrow! D:

Where would this LEGO shop be? Actually...I may remember it, I dunno.



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Wait, what, you went to Adelaide? Oh darn, I'm going there tomorrow! D:

Where would this LEGO shop be? Actually...I may remember it, I dunno.

Actually, I was only in Adelaide itself for a few hours on one day; the rest of the eleven days or so were spent either on route or in a little township called Gawler, around which my maternal grandparents live.


I'll PM you a link to their site, if you like. ;)

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I must admit that there has been quite a bit more rain recently, that could be causing this nice lot of green. Also why it's gunna be humid when I get up there. D:

Hooray for only quick stop offs!



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Honey-flavored ice cream? *vomits*

That's probably the most abominable thing in existence ever to be declared edible.

But I've got to get to that Lego store, even if it means getting a tiny little boat and rowing all the way to Australia and then exposing a cane toad to nuclear waste and mutating it into an enormous amphibian beast that I'll use to ride all the way there...

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