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Don't Attack Me.





You can attack my opinions, you can attack my actions.


But don't attack me.


It was a harmless rant, people. It's my blog and I think I'm allowed to let off some steam at the end of the day within it's boundaries. After all, there is nobody else in this house or any friend I could call up that could listen to me ease an irritation about an online children's site without being laughed at. I just wanted to blow off a bit of anger that had built up over the course of a long time.


And suddenly I'm finding somebody I don't even remotely know sticking my faults in my face with harsh words in front of everyone else to see.


You guys think I don't know? You guys think that I'm some egomaniacal airhead who thinks that I'm some sort of God who thinks his words fall on the ears of the deaf? No, I'm not.


A jealous God, maybe.


Do you think I am blissfully unaware of myself?


Of course not. In fact, I'm so self-concious that I can't stand it.


This wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that someone had to take it to a higher level and attack the very flawed traits that unfortunately make up my foundations as a person. You don't even know me.


Being told that I'm being unreasonable is one thing.


But having a personality mirror shoved in my face in front of others when I already know what the ugly thing looking back at me is just humiliating. I've looked into that mirror before and hated what I saw- please, don't make me have to see it again in front of others.


Trust me, I wouldn't be making such a big deal of this right now if it hadn't seriously hurt my feelings.


I know it's the internet and it shouldn't be taken seriously. But when the only people I get to talk to and community I get to be a part of on a daily basis are over the internet because of circumstances in real life, it can become serious. Serious enough that when someone just starts rattling off a list of faults about you -that you already do your best to try and avoid and work around them- out of the blue, it can really upset me.


I know you might not have been trying to do harm, but guess what- you did.


Trust me on the fact that I know you were right- but to do that so blunty in front of others is just unbearable for someone like me. If you have to do it so badly, do it over PM. Otherwise, just leave me alone.


Thanks for anyone who bothered listening or tried to understand. I feel a tiny bit better now that I talked that off.


I'm getting off now.


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Just so you know. It may be your blog, but you may wanna take more care with it.


And they are your opinions yes. But when you make a rant, there is feedback to be expected. You cannot just get what you want cuz it is your opinion.



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Uhh, glancing at the rant in question, which I assume would be the previous entry... correct me if I'm wrong, but you're basically complaining that other people on the tubes are getting more attention than you for doing things you think are frivolous?

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I don't blame anyone here. People tend to want comments on things they do. And if they don't get them it can seem offensive.


All of you are just generalizing what he's trying to say. There is more to it than attention.



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You can attack my opinions, you can attack my actions.


But don't attack me.


It was a harmless rant, people.

No. You're wrong. It's not harmless to insult people, to call this community a "junkwad." That is not harmless.

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I've dealt with people like those you described. Don't let them get to you. They don't know you personally, ignore it. Think of it this way, they have no backing in their argument because they don't know you well enough to set up a list of faults and such.


Don't go please. :(

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Now, I will admit that the statement you made was completely unfitting to the point you were trying to get across, Ka-Chan.


Please, don't flame the site you're actually on. ;)



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Decided to go back and read the rest of this entry. The bit I quoted in my previous comment was all I had read when I made said comment; I was offended by your assertion that insulting a community full of people--one that happens to contain many close friends of mine--is harmless and ignorable and totally a-okay. So much so that I felt the need for immediate comment.


Now, I apologize if I hurt your feeling or whatnot. It was not my intent, and I feel somewhat confident that if you were to ask people who know me well they would assert that "attacking" or "insulting" people is not something I do. I try to be decent.


As I've tried to explain several times now, my impetus for responding to your blog entry was twofold:

  • It made no sense to me. You admit in it to being absolutely desperate for the attention of the people on this site, but then in that same entry you insult those same people viciously? Firstly, that's just not nice; secondly, it completely befuddled me; and thirdly, if you want people to like you, insulting them is not a good strategy. So I called you on it.
  • So, you know how I volunteer my time for the sake of the membership here? Yeah. I kinda like the people on this site. I have a lot of friends on this site. When I see them insulted, I tend to stand up for them, y'know?

Again, I apologize profusely for hurting your feelings, though I also feel you owe the people of BZ an apology as well. Like I said before "Don't be stupid." Think before speaking or acting.



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Okay, Kat, I'm going say the cliche. I know what you mean. But this isn't like everyone else. Let me count the ways.


1. I have a Depressive Disorder (brain chemical imbalance) so I can relate about disorders.


2. Homeschooled. I also live the life of a pariah; shut up in my room with my only friends: LEGO Bricks, Podcasts, and my dumb brother.


3. I do some theater; I know you don't. However, in theater, directors play lots of favorites. I have never been lucky enough to be one of these. So I sometimes crave attention, wonder if trying out for a play is futile, and feel bitterly towards the other kids.


So in my opinion, the solution is not to spill your whole opinion on the public. Instead, when you feel like this, confide in your friend. In that moment of anger, PM Orb. You guys seem to be best buds, and I bet you two could really talk it out well.


Anyway, that's my two pence.

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