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Finally, I got my hands on one of the Glatorian.


Target failed me, three times at three different locations. But the Lego Store pulls it out! Mind you, the trip there wasn't very fun... it was raining outside, the bus was horribly crowded, and my iPod started glitching out. (Stupid apple products... what went wrong this time, 'eh?) But it all worked out... because the shelves at the Lego store didn't look ransacked and they had all six Glatorian. I was very tempted to pick up Tarix, because at this point I'll be displaying them and not MOCing with them... but I still grabbed tanny Vorox. (Maybe I'll get Tarix when they become more widely availible.)




A quick mention of the can. It's a nice solid design... The basic structure is the same as the Mistika and Phantoka, but the top is a cool, generic design. Oh, yeah, and the art isn't bad... very deserty...


The pieces... well,, most of them have been seen before. Piraka clawed feet... Metru legs... Metru chest armor... hip connector... bent av-matoran arm... even a good old fashion Mata foot (with the new joint system, so basically another piece from the av-matoran). But why are these pieces still cool... They're all TAN!! Good old Mata tan! There are a few other non recolored pieces... the silver sword pieces are cool, although they're getting to the point of overuse that the air katanas dealt with in 03. The new armor looks nice, with enough interesting ways to connect it that I can see it in alot of MOCs. The hands... well, I'm sorta impressed by them, they're not a complete waste of plastic, although they do look a bit big. However, since Vorox is more animistic, it's hard to see just how proportionate they are for a humanoid.


And... OMG, the head! Yes, not a mask, a head. :rolleyes: It could be a creature of it's own... so many cool spikes and stuff. And the trans piece it connects to isn't bad as eyes go... I sitll prefer the old style of Mata and Metru heads, but this does work better than the av-Matoran heads.


The build is basic enough... the torso, legs, and arms are all basic humanoid build. The life counter... unfortunately, is placed on the back of the foot. That was thrown off very quickly... in said picture, I believe I moved it to his lower back, right under his tail. Oh, yeah, the tail... this is what makes Vorox so unique. Well, it's not really much of a tail, as it seems to come out of his upper back. I'd say it's a third, sharp arm. I can't see him using it to strike at people over his shoulder... his spikey mask-head might get in the way. It looked so cool, but it's not as great. So, sorry, if you want Vorox for his cool tail... well, maybe thing twice. (Tan, mask-head, or new armor is a plus, but not the tail)


And the launcher, the Thornax launcher... well, it's not as great at firing as the Cordak or Midak or Nynrah, but dude, it's far less bulky. People keep comparing it to the Kanoka launchers of old, but I think they look more like the first disc shooters of Bionicle... McToran arms. Squeeze the two pieces together and fire the fruit... an excellent idea, even if the fruit doesn't go that far. The Thornax isn't a great projectile from the set, but it looks so cool. I like the little rubbery spikes, but I bet it's their rubbery lightweight style that makes it harder for them to fling as far as a zamor.


So, overall, is Vorox worth it? The build is kind of unique, but mostly basic humanoid with a tail attached to the upper back... ( :huh: ) Sorry, nothing revolutionary. And unlike the other Glatorian, who all seem to have wicked new weapons, Vorox's can be attained in many other sets from the past. But he has good points... the mask is very cool, like the coolest Rahi head ever! The new armor seems to be very useful, as well as cooly colored. Oh, yeah, the color.


HE'S TAN!! For me, that makes this whole set worth it. The tan, last seen... um, last seen on... Pohatu Nuva? :blink: (And no, I'm not counting those tan plusrods, and the tan on Avak was a different shade) A whole canister with tan as the main color is so cool, especially since Lego's giving brown a chance, and Vorox isn't a completely bad set.


So, depending on what you're looking for in a set, Vorox may be the Glatorian for you. He doesn't quite have the best poses, but the pieces are good.




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