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Two things right off the bat:


One: The Imagine title does not refer to my defunct BIONICLE: Imagine project. It was a cool idea, but it was undone by my desire to not do any work.


Two: FOR SCIENCE! Will be returning monday, I already have two seperate stories in mind for Monday and Tuesday. I will not be writing them until that day, however (Maybe I'll write Monday's on Sunday, as Monday is a busy day for me)


No, Imagine refers to the fifth part of an absolutely amazing series that has evolved beyond my wildest imaginings.


Allow me to explain.


About five years (Or more) ago, I discovered this hilarious little flash animation made by a group called SamBakZa, the animation in question was "There she is!!" and told the tale of a bunny falling in love with a cat in a society that did not look kindly upon this. It was hilarious because the cat resisted until the end, only giving up reluctantly--and then started to love her himself.


That was supposed to be it, various theories were thrown around the internet (Mainly that the cat and rabbit did indeed represent the Korean-Japanese relationships during the period of time when it was forbidden. I'm not really sure what period of time this was, but I would guess it was during the Japanese occupation of Korea and in the second world war) but aside from that there wasn't much to discuss, but is sure was funny to watch. I shortly after forgot about it (after watching Hot Fish Same but Different)


Later on I discovered that it was supposed to be a three-parter, and I watched the second part "Cake Dance" and found it both amusing and adorable. Incredibly adorable--then I again completely forgot about it.


Last night my gurlfren being the incredible person she is reminded me of this little comedic series, and in fact linked me to all the videos. Number three was just as adorable and funny. It was called "Doki and Nabi" (Doki is the bunny, and Nabi is the cat)


But number four was...well, it shocked me. Let's go with that. I was seriously concerned about the direction the series was going in and was not expecting it at all. Especially not with the name "Paradise"


But I gotta say.


It's rare that I feel as inspired and touched as I did when I watched part 5 "Imagine" It really was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, and the story it tells is amazing.


I'd suggest everyone Check them out






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That was absolutely beautiful and meaningful.


I did not expect 4 and 5 to be like that, although there was build-up.


Just wow.


EDIT: Oh yea, Doki sounds like Toki which is Korean for Rabbit.

And Nabi is butterfly. o.O


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Janus. That was beautiful. I didn't get really engaged until the last two, but then Imagine absolutely blew me away. I was seriously choked up towards the end.


Thank you for making me watch these. <3

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Janus. That was beautiful. I didn't get really engaged until the last two, but then Imagine absolutely blew me away. I was seriously choked up towards the end.


Thank you for making me watch these.

I agree.


Poor little guy...

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Seen these all a while ago (less the last one, which was only released earlier this month) but that doesn't make it any less special.

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Oddly enough, I watched that series last week or so.


The site that hosts it I hadn't visited in MOOOOONTHS (more like years?)... I was surprised to find there was more than 1 episode, much less 4.


Brilliant stuff, though the message seemed a little outdated to me, at least in this part of the world. Interracial love? So? But it's probably a big deal elsewhere I suppose.




I love the animation. It's the kind of thing you watch more than once in a sitting just to analyze what over-exaggerated movement technique was used to make you do a triple-take.

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While I understand your thoughts, Jizno, that's not exactly how I look at it.

One: Yeah, the whole interracial thing is considered Vanilla for us, but in other areas is still not entirely acceptable.


Two: I think SamBakZa just wanted to tell an interesting story through music, and set it in a time/place where interracial marriage was forbidden.


Three: If there's any sort of message in those flashes, I'd say it's along the lines of don't be afraid to stand up for your love, don't run away (IE: Paradise) and fight to change society for the better.



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