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I'm Having A Wonderful Time Right Now With You, Doctor

Queen of Noise


Life is very wonderful.


I believe I shall summon enough presumptuous courage to assert that I am happier now than I have been in my entire life. I do not refer to simply events and things–specific and tangible reasons to account for a happiness “high,” but rather my state of being. “Happiness” may be a less proper word to use than “joy.”


What accounts for this is no single thing, but instead numerous ones. I do not feel torn philosophically anymore; I have senses of assurance in things. This is not at all to say I “know all the answers” or am no longer confused or undecided about some (many, even) things, but indecision is no longer conflicting to me. I would go so far as to say that I am content with my indecision in some things, and definitely content with my ignorance in some others


I no longer have existential angst. I no longer have absurdist confusion Most importantly of all though, I should think, is that I love: I love my fellow people and I feel at peace. And, like the proverbial succulent maraschino cherry perched atop a mountain of of ice and whipped cream, I am in love–madly in love–with the most wonderful woman I have ever met.


I do not know if this is the first time in my life, this period now of my existence, that I have felt truly, definitely happy, but it is at least the first that in which I have recognized it, and that may be worth noting.


This is not to say bad things–tragic things, even– do not happen in my life. There have been some heartbreaking events in my life and the lives of my friends very recently, and throughout my life. These things cause me sadness, grief, mourning, and confusion, there is no doubt. I worry about those I love, very often and very much. I also do bad things to people–I say hurtful things; I make people upset; I hurt peoples feelings, often unintentionally, and that is saddening. That is something I do not want to happen. But it does. I have hurt people on this site, and that hurts me--and I apologize to any reading those whom I may have hurt in any way. These are the things that hurt most of all.


But something I know and remember now is that life always goes on. Life goes on, and that is a comfort. One thing no event, no person, no political leader, no thing can take away from me is that I love and I am happy. This comforts me.


I realize now as I reach a natural conclusion to my meandering monologue that I may be interpreted as some form of braggart, which is not at all my intent. I cannot say for certain what my reasons for jotting down these musings were, but it was certainly not of a “look at me; my life is great” shade. As I consider now, I think my intentions were, after reflection, to share this happiness with you–I am happy, and I want others to share in it; I want you to be happy as well. You may think it is daft of me to personally wish joy upon strangers, but I have never claimed I am not daft.


I was unhappy for many years; now I am not and I feel better and more alive than ever before–and I would love to see everyone share in this joy. It all starts with a smile.


Do you remember those iconic “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” adverts? I would like to buy the world a bottle of happiness. I’d like to teach the world to sing.


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I'd like to build the world a home, and furnish it with love

Grow apple trees and honey bees and snow-white turtledoves

I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony

I'd like to hold it in my arms and keep it company.

I'd like to see the world, for once, all standing hand in hand

And hear them echo through the hills, all peace throughout the land.


That's the song I hear

That the world sings today

Over and over...





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Wow, what is there to say?


I realize now as I reach a natural conclusion to my meandering monologue that I may be interpreted as some form of braggart, which is not at all my intent. I cannot say for certain what my reasons for jotting down these musings were, but it was certainly not of a “look at me; my life is great” shade. As I consider now, I think my intentions were, after reflection, to share this happiness with you–I am happy, and I want others to share in it; I want you to be happy as well. You may think it is daft of me to personally wish joy upon strangers, but I have never claimed I am not daft.


I was unhappy for many years; now I am not and I feel better and more alive than ever before–and I would love to see everyone share in this joy. It all starts with a smile.


Do you remember those iconic “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” adverts? I would like to buy the world a bottle of happiness. I’d like to teach the world to sing.

Well, you've succeeded on my part. Blessed art thou among men, Smeagol4. All the more joy to ya.


<o> <o>

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I'm so happy!
AHA! Happy go lucky me!
I just go my way,
living everyday!

I don't worry!
Worrying don't agree,
Things that bother you,
never bother me!

Things that bother you,
never bother me
I feel happy and fine!
Living in the sunlight,
loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time!

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