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Holy Freakin' ######!

Crimson Jester




Saw a preview for this whilst at Gran Torino (best movie ever, BTW), and this, by far, looks like the best Terminator. I mean, come on, just look at the poster!


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I'm wondering how I'll feel about this... I mean, the tech of the critters in this one seem far ahead of the technology in other movies that's supposedly AFTER these ones.



Which sounds more lethal? Fast cycle-bots and terminators in half a dozen other different configurations of form... or slowly-stalking metal skeletons?


I dunno'...


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I'm wondering how I'll feel about this... I mean, the tech of the critters in this one seem far ahead of the technology in other movies that's supposedly AFTER these ones.



Which sounds more lethal? Fast cycle-bots and terminators in half a dozen other different configurations of form... or slowly-stalking metal skeletons?


I dunno'...

Well the future was always highly advanced, its just that the Tseries were always made for terminating. :P


The movie will actually hit the point to where the T-800 (Arnold) was first made.



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I dunno... sounds like Star Wars syndrome, where episode 4's tech looks like caveman junk to the first 3 lol.

Well think of it this way:


The original producers of all the technology was Cyberdyne. However because the facility and all the parts they used were destroyed, another company made all the stuff instead, which ended up being on a different path.


Basically in a sense, if Cyberdyne wasn't destroyed, Terminatrix may have not existed at all.



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Yeah, I've seen that poster. It looks like it's shaping up to be a cool movie.


Gran Torino had some memorable lines... "Get off my lawn," and a few others I can't mention here. :P

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