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Fire Emblem rage at my DS and nature to be specific.


For those who don't know, I'm a fan of the Fire Emblem series. I have all fo them so far released in America. The original one that was released to America, Fire Emblem VII in Japan, I had nearly beaten. Actually had once, but my battery died during the endgame cutscene, so nyaa.


Anyway, recently I spilled some water on my DS. Nothing majour, just the battery got wet, and it's removable and replacable, hence why it's not a big deal. I was powering my DS only off outlet power, when nature decided to make a *censored* of itself and cause a quick power surge. This had two effects.


First, it killed my DS' power adapter, which now needs replacing.


Second, it freaking wiped Fire Emblem VII. Two years of gameplay. Thirty maps of strategery and sheer dumb luck. Dozens of support conversations. All gone. Needless to say I'm ticked.


I wouldn't be so angry normally, heck, normally I'd accept it as a new challenge. But FEVII was the game that got me into strategy games. Plus I was on the last level, and really, that game is a huge combination of dumb luck and strategy, both of which are hard to replicate. Plus now I have to go through the tutorial levels again. ><


So yeah, I have a favourite game I must clear again, this time on my GBA, my only advantage being two years of experience and a vague idea of what to do. Wish me luck.


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Sucks when that happens doesn't it?


Well, I can't really offer anny concillation here, so good luck with beating that game.

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This is why I always put my memory cards/chips/games in an air tight, pin number required, fingerprint required, locked with seven different keyed locks with retina scans safe.

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First, YOU WIN.


Secondly, I can sympathise. A couple years back, the same thing happend to my copy of The Sacred Stones when my brother was stupid enough to leave it on the floor of the car IN BOILING ADELAIDE HEAT. >< So yeah, I know just how badly that sucks.


also you have my anima magic :P

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