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Vote Late!



I got a ballet in the mail. I looked at it and went "What the hey! The election was two months ago!"


At first, I thought there was some sort of delay error. After all, for the election, I originally registered in my home county, but I actually voted in a different county where my school is. So I sent in paperwork to get my address changed before the election, but the paperwork still said I was from my home county. (I went home that week and sent it in early). So I thought that maybe my request finally got through and they were sending me a November 4th ballot from the school's county... just a couple of months late.


Nope. It's apparently a minor local election to elect the... the Director of Elections.




Democracy is weird. Or Choco-frogs got my hooked on certain web comics due to his posting them so much on a board that actually allows links to the site and that I've just spent way too many hours reading them all and laughing my head off and getting weird looks from my roommate.




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Which webcomics?

Well, there's the problem, y'see? While his comics are quite hilarious for us geeky folk, occasionally they contain humor and subjects not suitable for BZPower, so we can't directly link. (Are we even allowed to link to webcomics if they are perfectly alright? I'd think that applies to the no other forums or blogs rule.)

Anyway, you can see some of them here and here.



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